Tuesday, March 01, 2022


Why elders have to men of character

 When talking about the kind of men to lead as elders, there is quite a bit of emphasis on character.  I often hear these used as a sort of checklist.  You know, combine everything mentioned in I Timothy and Titus and make a master checklist of the qualifications of elders.  But I want to think thru the idea that elders have to be men of character.  More of a picture of the kind of man that should lead God's people.

It is obvious the kind of problems that come when an elder does not have character.  Elders that are shady in business.  Or elders that lose their temper with the flock.  That drink too much.  That are one way with church people and a differnt way out in the community.  

But it seems to me that Scripture gives the primary reason that elders are to be men of character.  Elders are showing the flock how to live as beleivers.  Peter makes that point in I Peter 5.  Elders are the example.  What does a healthy marriage look like?  See you elder couples.  How do treat people?  See how elders behave.  Elders follow Jesus so that when their flock studies their life, they can imitate it.  Check out Hebrews 13.

And character gives credibility.  So much of what makes a good elder is reflected in how the Bible describes elders.  Strong family.  Good character.  Those give leaders credibility. 

And it allows us to say "follow me."

Not because elders are perfect, because not one of them are.  But because they have had enough experience in following Jesus to say with confidence -- "follow me and I will lead you to Jesus and to heaven."

Which, after all, is the ultimate job of an elder.  Get your people home. 

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