Thursday, April 14, 2022


Living the Easter Life

 Easter.  The good news that Jesus died and that God raised him from the dead.  We are invited into the Easter life by dying with Jesus and being raised to a new life in baptism.

But I want to think about living the Easter life.  Living the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Communion.  The Lord's Supper.  Eating the body of Jesus.  Drinking the blood of Jesus.  Remembering what he has done us.  Living up to that reality.  Being in community.  Taking care of each other.  Declaring in our world that Jesus died for our sins.  Looking for his return.  Celebrating his death.  Celebrating his resurrection.  

Living the Easter life.  I Corinthians 11 ties all the above concepts together.  

We will take communion together Easter Sunday.  And we will next Sunday.  And we did it the Sunday before.  And we will do it until he returns.  Because we believe he was raised and will return to raise us from the dead.  

But life together is more than communion.  There is the sense of taking care of each other.  We wait for all to eat together.  We share.  

We live the Easter life.  Thinking about Jesus and our spiritual family.  Living, serving, sharing as Jesus did.  Reminded by his body and blood that we are called to a higher life.  

And that time of communion together makes a statement to our world.  We believe.  We announce the Easter message that Jesus died for our sins and was raised from the dead, and will come back to take us to God.

That is really the great sermon you will hear/see this Sunday.  Not the Easter sermon preached.  But the Easter sermon preached by we sinners who together share the body and blood of Jesus.

Living the Easter life.

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