Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Gamaliel and the future of the churches/Churches of Christ
Quite the debate going on in Acts 5 over Peter and the Jesus preaching. Gamaliel gives outstanding advice. Basically says if the activity of these men is from God, we cannot stop it. And if their activity is of human origen, then it will not last.
So what does that have to do with the future of Churches of Christ?
I hear a lot of talk these days about the future of our movement. People mad at the conservatives among us who will not move of their insistance that they can be right about any doctrine. Pull a few Scriptures out of context. Selectively use silence in Scripture to either prohibit or allow what you are sure is God's will. Unless you are really conservative. And you are convinced that rigid study of Scripture will clearly reveal God's will and we have to preserve the church as God intended it.
If the conservatives are right, no amount of disdain or anger will prevent God from seeing His church thru these times. If they are wrong, they are not going to be around in a few years.
Personally, I see no future for a church that insists they are right on every thing and that they can prove it by using, or misusing, Scripture. Churches known more for what they are against than what they are for just have no future. Negativity, fear, and anger do not attract people to Jesus.
Which is why more and more rigidly conservative churches are shriking and about to die.
There is also a lot of talk and frustration about the hyper liberals among us who are sure that the church and culture actually are in lockstep. That the church in general has been wrong for centuries on many issues and they are the group to finally get it right. And if Scripture seems to disagree with their position, then those passages are clearly cultural or even wrong. Unless you are a liberal. And you really do think that the church is actually hearing the Spirit in new and different ways.
If the liberals are right, no amount of hand wringing and worry can stop what God is doing among His church. If they are wrong, they will not last and won't be around in a few years.
Personally, I don't see a future for churches that reflect culture more than Scripture. That spend more time explaining why the Bible does not mean what it says than they do trying to follow what it does say.Not much need for a church that is like a civic club on steroids. Doesn't really attract non-believers.
God's church will survive. Always has. I never worry about the church of Christ. Not very optomistic about the Church of Christ.
Personally, I think a revival is coming. People looking for meaning and purpose. People looking for a cause greater than themselves. People looking for a Savior that overcomes this world.
I hope the Church of Christ is at the forefront of the coming harvest of souls into the Kingdom. After all, it is my heritage. And I know a lot of preachers, members, and congregations not caught up in one extreme or the other. That gives me some hope.
But of this I am certain. The church of Christ will be where it has been for 2000 years. Following Jesus, bringing people into the Kingdom, waiting for Jesus to take us home.