Thursday, May 19, 2022
Thanking God and Marsha for 49 years together
Today Marsha and I have been married 49 years. So here are a few reasons I am thankful for her... and for God putting us together.
It is pretty easy to see the ministry I do. Up front. Preaching. Seminars. I do most of the talking in our studies and counseling.
But it only works because I married Marsha.
She is incredibly thoughtful. She keeps our prayer list updated on the refrigerator. She makes banana bread and coffee cake for neighbors, families with sickness, and older people. She fixes meals. She writes cards. Sends thank-you cards.
She keeps our home and lets it be open. She hosts lots of lunches. Has people for supper.
She was the idea behind putting a retreat center barndominium on our ranch. Lots of ministry will be done there.
She knows how to keep my feet on the ground in a good way. Knows when I need to be encouraged. Knows when I am little too caught up in the preaching business.
She models what I preach. If you want to hear about Jesus, see me. If you want to see Jesus in action, see her. She hates that, but it is true.
She hates it when I use her in sermons. But she lets me.
She is a true people person. When she travels with me to speak, I never have to worry about her being left alone. She "works" the crowd as well as I do. People like her and that actually really helps my preaching.
She has really helped me understand church family. We like to think we are members of the church in Abilene. We headquarter out of our home base at Hillcrest church of Christ. It's right. Our church family is way bigger than one congregation. Or even one city. She helped me learn that.
She loves her family and her friends.
We both teach Jesus to non-believers, struggling believers, and believers who want to grow. I use words. She uses actions.
So good job God. I am forever thankful that you put us together. Lots of people in the Kingdom becuase of how you have used us as a team for you. And I am still in the Kingdom because of your love grace. And because of her love and grace. So thank you. Use us as long as you will. Through Jesus.