Tuesday, June 14, 2022


A Living Tribute to Tim Archer

 I write a lot of obituaries because I do a lot of funerals.  So I decided a while back to occasionally do living tributes.  Honor to whom honor is due.

Tim Archer.

Tim is probably my best preaching buddy.  I have known him since college and he has always been committed to Jesus, very smart, and a talented minister.  About fifteen years ago, I was blessed to be able to hire him to lead our Spanish speaking ministries at Herald of Truth.  He now directs all the foreign ministry for Herald of Truth.

So here are a few things I admire about Tim.

What you see is what you get with Tim.  He doesn't put on airs, is very humble, and means what he says.  He is one of my go-to guys for advice, insight, and help.  

He loves his family.  His wife Carolina and his kids really are the most important people in his life after Jesus.  He loves his spiritual family at University church of Christ in Abilene.  Serves as an elder there.

He is a gifted minister.  Good preacher in English,  Great preacher in Spanish.  Fantastic writer.  Evangelistic.  Good thinker.  Knows Scripture.  And knows how it all fits together.  If i could only listen to one Bible class teacher, it would be Tim.

He is legendary in the Spanish speaking churches of Christ.  Spent a couple of decades planting a church in Cordaba, Argentina.  In high demand for speaking events in Latin America.  Popular speaker on radio.  Writes in Spanish.  And traveling with Tim in Cuba is like traveling with a rock star.  He is really loved there.

And never too busy or too important to translate for guys like me.  

You need to read his books.  Church Inside Out.  Starting (or Restarting with Jesus).

So I count Tim as one of the great blessings in my life.  Well deserving of a living tribute.  

Besides, I won's do his eulegy since he should outlive me by several years.  :)

So thank you God for Tim Archer.  For all that you have done thru him and for all that you will do thru him in the future.

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