Thursday, June 23, 2022


What about Herald of Truth

 Many of you know that I worked full-time for Herald of Truth for almost twenty years.  I worked for three different full-time Presidents and one interim President.  I even worked for myself for about a year when I was interim.

I still work for them, just part-time.  

I will still be speaking at various Herald of Truth events.  I will be doing my evangelism seminars as part of MEA (Mission Evangelize America).  I will still write some for them.  But I won't be doing much overseas work and I will not be doing as much travel as in the past.

Things change.  Leaders make decisions.  

Herald of Truth still wants to equip churches to reach lost people.  President Greg Swindle has a very clear vision as to how to do that.  And I will be part of that plan.  Just on a more limited basis.

So I am still working for Herald of Truth.  

But that is what has given me the time to go to work for Hillcrest.  Part-time.  

So I get to motivate, equip, and inspire Christians to share the good news of Jesus in their world.  And I get to be active doing that personally.  

Oh yeah.  I still do seminars and Jesus story telling events on my own.  Men's retreats and multi-church events.  

So I am as busy as ever.  

And I should be.  God is doing great things in Abilene, the United States, and all over the world.  I want to be part of his mission until He is ready to take me home.

So for those of you that were curious about what happened with Herald of Truth, maybe this will explain it.  

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