Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Abortion, life, and family

 So there are two more things I think the church needs to be teaching that help form our conviction about abortion.  

We need to teach what the Bible says about life.  And death.  What does God say about life, birth, and death.  Not teaching just to make a point about abortion, but because this teaching impacts so many issues Christians have to deal with in our culture.  

Euthanasia.  Murder.  Mercy killings.  Suicide.  The death penalty.  Abortion.  War.  Self defense.  I do not see all of these the same way, but I do think Biblical teaching will help us.

Lay the foundation from Scripture.  Teach what the Bible says about the underlying principles.  It will be easier to then talk about the current issues.

How does creation fit in your theology of life.  Or the resurrection?  The Bible talks about babies as answers to prayers, and as gifts from God.  Death is talked about as an enemy of God.

These things matter.

We need to teach about family.  What responsibility do Christian parents have in Scripture?  What about fathers?  The Bible talks about spiritual families, brothers and sisters.  What does that imply about helping single Moms and Dads?  Orphans?  Are we actually to be family to each other?  

That has implications for the abortion debate.

Love God.

Love your neighbor.

God is the author of life and death is the weapon of the devil.

We are family.  The church/family matters.

And these teachings speak to the issue of abortion.

We have to do a better job of teaching these now.  Or the next debate dividing the church will not be abortion but euthanasia.  Or all the other issues above.

We must equip ourselves better.     

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