Thursday, July 21, 2022


Abortion, Sex, and Forgiveness

 There are two more fundamental topics that we have to teach on in order for Christians to be able to discuss abortion and any number of other cultural issues.

We have to teach what the Bible says about sexual ethics.  Not just the do's and don'ts, but the why.  I get learning the do's and don'ts.  That is church teaching I grew up with.  But we must teach the basic Biblical truths that underlay the do's and don'ts.

We have to teach that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and how that f0rms our sexual behavior.  We need to teach what the says about lust.  And what the Bible teaches about sex in marriage. The Bible does teach about adultery and homosexual activity.  

It is hard to live in a hyper-sexual culture and be faithful.  It is harder if we do not equip our people with Biblical truth.  

Because the debate about abortion actually starts with sex.  And this teaching speaks to pornography, adultery, homosexuality, gender issues, and so much more.  

And we have to teach about forgiveness.  Because even with well thought out teaching from the Bible on the basic principles of Christian life, there are going to be times when we believers do not choose the Jesus way.  

Forgiveness is real.  For the non-Christian trying to change their whole life patterns.  And for the Christian who makes the wrong decision.

There are lots of Christian women who struggle with the guilt of abortion.  We must teach truth about forgiveness.  

So as we Christians live in a culture that insists sin is normal, right, and has to be protectected -- we must teach some foundational truths from Scripture so we do not buy in to the lies of the devil.

Love God.  Love your neighbor.  Life.  Family.  How to live in the Spirit.  Forgiveness.  

It does matter.   

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