Thursday, August 18, 2022


Teaching about Death and Dying

 Christians have to talk more about death and dying.  I am finding myself doing this more and more.  Maybe because I am getting old.  Maybe because I do a lot of funerals.  Maybe because I spend a lot of time talking with Christians about dying.  

Let's be clear.  Death is a tool Satan uses.  Fear of death.  Worry about dying.  Unsure of what's next.  Pain when dying.  Death is our enemy.

So here are a few suggestions for Chrisitans to think about -- and talk about.

Our death has to be viewed in light of the resurrection.  We will not stay dead.  Or buried.  

Jesus is the model for dying.  He died.  And God raised him from the dead.

We have already died when we decided to follow Jesus.  Romans 6 uses death language to talk about baptism.  Galatians 2:20 speaks of our being crucified yet living by faith.

Paul talks in II Timothy 4 of being about to die.  And that the crown of life is waiting for him.

And in Philippians 1 about death being better for him.

Death is the door to being with Jesus.

And our faith is often more clearly seen, and maybe even more clearly taught and shared, when we are dying.  

Live well for Jesus.

Die well for Jesus.

Live forever with Jesus.

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