Thursday, August 11, 2022


The greatest commands and what we may be missing

 Almost everyone reading this knows the greatest commands.  Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.  They are in the Old Testament.  They are in the gospels.  Clearly, love God is the highest and greatest command.  And then love people.  But I think there is a priority to loving others that we do not talk enough about.

I am convinced that loving God is first.  Then loving my Christian family.  Then loving the people in my world.

Jesus said:  A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.  John 13:34

We disciples are to love each other.  Loving people is not a new command.  But Jesus is saying to his people that we love each other.  He commands it.  In fact, he goes on to say that how we love each other will be the way people know we follow Jesus.

But aren't we supposed to show our love to everyone by helping the needy?  Yes, but even then our spiritual family takes precedence.

Galatians 6:10.  So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

There it is.  Do good to everyone every chance you get.  But especially to your Christian family.

Love my neighbor as myself.  I am commanded to do that.  But among my neighbors, I have a special/new command from Jesus.  Love my Jesus family.  Do good to everyone I can.  But especially seek to do good for my Christian family.

So if you are trying to find Christians, look for the people fanatically loving God with everything they have.  And the people that really love each other.  And that seek to take care of each other.  And they will even help the strangers in their world.

So yes... I do love my Christian family/neighbors/friends more than I do the non-Christians in my world.

God, my community of faith, everybody else.

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