Tuesday, September 06, 2022


A few things I think about the future of the church in America

 Unity is going to be embraced more than ever.  In a culture that is increasingly anti-Christian, I believe all Christians will be driven to band together.  

I think Jesus and the Bible will be the unifying force.  Jesus because he is the Savior.  The Bible because it is the word of God. 

We will never agree on every thing in Scripture but I just think there is a lot that is clear in the Bible.  We will generally figure out most of that.  Even those things may keep some from embracing unity.

We will quit fighting and dividing over things that are not clear in Scripture.

Jesus, the Bible, baptism, communion, living life together.  That is the future.  It is coming even now.

And small assemblies are the future.  I think most Christians will meet in groups of 10-30 in homes or offices.

I think budgets are a dying tool for most churches.

So are full time ministers.  I think in the near future every member ministry will make a come back.  I think most preachers will be teachers, Drs., plumbers, lawyers, or ranchers.  Or whatever. 

More inter-generational teaching and seeing how to live as a Christian.  Older teaching younger. 

More communal life.  More shared study.  More helping each other.

If there are any full-time preachers running around, they will be traveling evangelists.  Going from house church to house church to evangelize.

You may see more "supported/income supplimented retired shepherds actually working in the lives of their flocks.

I think we will baptize more than we ever dreamed.  All without budgets, buildings, or staffs.  


Yes I am aware that some of this is ironic.  I work part-time for a large congregation.  And part-time for a large para church ministry.  But I am supported to be an evangelist.  So maybe I am a split personality thinker.  :)

I could also absolutely be wrong about all of this.

I don't study church growth patterns.  Or church trends.  

So if this bothers you, there are lots who think differntly.

So I may be wrong.

But I don't think so.

Exceptional thinking.. I believe you are on target and will be a good thing in service to our Master
Interesting concept
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