Thursday, September 01, 2022


Anwered and Unanswered Prayers

 I live in West Texas and we have been in a horrible drought.  Over a year.  And hot.  Wildfires.  Threats of wildfires.  Cattle hurting.  Ranchers buying water.  Lakes low.  Economic stress.  The heat stretching emotional boundaries.  Utility bills rising.

So Christians prayed for rain.  And prayed some more.  Begging God for rain.

And it didn't rain for a long time.  God did not answer our prayers as we asked.

Then it did rain.  A little.  In some places.  Then more rain.  But not everywhere.

Then finally rain.  Lots.  Not yet enough.  But rain.  


Why did God wait?  Why did some places get more than others?  What is God thinking?

Here are a few thoughts on God and how He answers prayers.

Maybe we did not pray hard enough.  Or often enough.  Jesus does tell a story about a persistant widow who got what she wanted by wearing out the judge.  

Perhaps God wanted us to learn that we needed to depend on him more.  

Or maybe He wanted people that did not love Him to be driven to pray to Him.

But here is the real truth about God and prayer.

God knows best.  I can never explain why God answers prayers the way He does.  If He explained it to me, I still wouldn't get it.  But I trust Him to know what is best for every single person in this world.

He is God.  And I am not.  That pretty well sums up my thinking about God and answered prayers.

He knows what is best and will do what is best.

So my job is to ask and wait.  To trust and to be thankful.  To be faithful.

So thanks God for the rain we have gotten.  We need more.  So we ask you to fill out tanks and refresh our land.  

But You know best.  You are so far above me that I will never understand.

But I will trust You.

This is a tough, tough lesson to learn. Thanks.
Wisdom & comforting🙏
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