Thursday, September 15, 2022


Why I tell the story of Adam, Eve, and God so often

 I tell the story of Adam and Eve, the Garden, Satan, and God a lot.  It is found in Genesis 2 and 3.  I tell it to non-believers who wonder why this world is so bad if God is so good.  I tell it to Christians who struggle to understand that we live in a fallen world and that means evil is present.  I tell it to Christians who struggle with their sin.

In fact, I have a short video series on my You Tube channel right now telling this story.

Here are the reasons I believe this story has value.

It reminds me that God made a perfect world.  He did not make the world like it is not.

God had one basic rule.  Don't eat of the tree of knowledge.  There was no need for more rules then.

Free will.  Choices.  Consequences.

Satan wants us to doubt God and not believe what He says.

Temptation is attractive.

We are not God but it sure seems like a good idea sometimes.  It isn't.

When we break our relationship with God, He comes after us.  Even sent His Son to bring us back.

It is easy to blame someone else for our sin, even God.  Hard to take responsibility and confess.

God will fix our broken world by sending Jesus.

Great story.  

Creation, love, faith, sin, choices, consequences, excuses, Satan, and God's forever love.

It is one way to address the problem of good and evil.

It is a way to introduce the good news of Jesus.

It is a way to be aware of Satan's battle plan.

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