Thursday, November 17, 2022


Andrew Ridgell is about to turn 15

 This is a brag post about my grandson Andrew.  I blog about each of my family members on or around their birthday.  I do it because I love them and am proud of them.  But they need to know it, hear it, and even know what it is that makes me proud.

So here is to Andrew as he has his 15th birthday in a couple of days.

Andrew is a good guy.  He makes good choices.  He is kind.  Nice to everyone.  Doesn't think he is better than everyone else.  He has numerous honors at his school based on character.  

He is a good student.  Excellent grades.  Does his homework.  He is the student every teacher wants in their class.

Great athlete.  Plays basketball and baseball.  Shoots the three.  Hustles.  Always in the right spot.  Coaches love that.  Hits.  Throws.  Plays infield corners.  And outfield.  Clutch. He wants to take the last shot.  Loves to come in as a relief pitcher to close out the game.  Wants the last at bat.

And he is not perfect.  Didn't see that one coming, did you?  As much as I love him and think he is fantastic, I love that he is not perfect.  

Loves to hunt and fish.  Just like his Dad.  And his Pops.  Makes it fun on the family ranch.  And he doesn't mind hard work.  Not sure he loves it, but he does it.

But most of all, Andrew is a Jesus follower.  More than people, or sports, or the ranch... Andrew loves Jesus.

One of the best things about being a grandparent is getting to see a glimpse of the future.  Even to get a glimpse of what the future looks like well after you are gone.

And I know this.  Andrew will be leading a faithful family.  People will see Jesus.

So we share a love of sports and the outdoors.  But best of all, we share a love for Jesus.

I love Andrew and am proud of him.

God, thank you for what you have done with Andrew.  And for what you are doing, and will do.  Bless him, use him, and protect him from the evil one.  In the name of the one we follow.  Amen

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