Thursday, November 03, 2022


The Goal is to Restore

 More excerpts from Wounds into Scars.

I am not writing this book because I repented of my sins.  Though I absolutely have.  I am not writing this book because God has forgiven me.  Though He has certainly done that.  I am writing this book because I have been restored.  I have been made like I was before the struggle.  Understand that restoration cannot happen without confession, repentance, and forgiveness.  But the ultimate goal is for the struggling sinner to be an active and valued member of their community of faith.  I struggled with my sins for a long time, as have many of you.  But you can overcome your struggles.  I know.  And I have preached a lot of years, served many years as an elder, all because of restoration – a spiritual “bringing back”.

And for the helpers, be ready to hear things like this.

            Who are you to tell me what to do?

            You can’t judge me.

            You don’t love me.

            There are people worse than me you should be helping.

            I don’t want your help.

And some advice 

            Don’t let the alcoholic prepare the communion wine by himself.

            Don’t let the thief count the contribution by himself.

            Don’t let the adulterer do marriage counseling by himself.

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