Tuesday, December 27, 2022


Christian Resolutions

 I really am not much on New Year's resolutions.  I get that it is a convenient time to start things, but if I am honest I think Christians resolve to do certain things every day.  Scripture has a number of texts that are sort of resolutions in and of themselves.  

One of those is Luke 9:23 and that is one of my resolution verses for my life.

Three things in that verse if I want to be a Jesus follower.

First, deny myself.  I really want to work this year at saying no to me.  I don't want my life to be about me.  When I was baptized I died with Jesus.  And I buried me.  I want to be intentional about putting myself behind God.

Second, take up my cross daily.  Living out my baptism so to speak.  Continuing to die to myself and live crucified each day.  Each day.  

And follow Jesus.  Harder than it sounds.  I get the attraction of following churches.  Or preachers (especially me).  And really attractive when they are able to fit the way I want to be into their theology.  But Jesus isn't like that.  He never said follow churches.  More like be church.  And if you going to follow a preacher, you better be sure they are following Jesus.  

So I want to live this way.  Treat people like Jesus.  Buy in to the Jesus way.  

That is one of my go-to resolution verses this year.  

Deny me.

Live crucified every day.

Follow Jesus.

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