Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Ministers of Reconciliation and the wrong verse

 I believe Christians ought to get along with each other.  Scripture has a lot to say about how to handle disputes with your brother, what to do when you have something against your brother, and even pleas from apostles to get along.  We should forgive each other, support each other, love each other, and unity is one of our distinguishing features as believers.

So we are ministers of reconciliation.  That phrase is right out of II Corinthians 5 and would make a great introductory verse to a lesson on getting along with each other.

Except that is not what it means.  Great phrase... wrong application.

That passage is clearly about God reconciling men to himself thru Jesus, not counting their sins against them.  We are ministers of reconciliation, God making His appeal thru us.  That phrase is used to encourage us to be representatives of Jesus in sharing the good news of Jesus.

Great phrase.  From the Bible.  And the Bible clearly teaches reconciliation among Christians.  Just not in that verse.

Just like so many verses, it is really easy to take out of context.  Really easy to use in support of what is actually true.  

It is just not true to the text.  

We have to be careful with Scripture.  Using the Bible out of context undercuts your message.  

It is easy to decide what is true, then use any verse that could support our conviction.  Whether that verse actually teaches that point or not.

Because if you are careless with using a verse out of context to support something that is taught other places in Scripture, you may become careless in using a verse out of context to support things that are not taught elsewhere in Scripture.

Use Scripture.  Honestly and in context.  

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