Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Hillcrest, Beltway, and Jesus are Growing the Kingdom
Sometimes I am struck by how God uses so many different people to grow the Kingdom.
I have recently been connected to two people who gave their life to Jesus. I don't even know if the two people know each other, but they are connected.
Joe came to see me because he wanted to be a better husband. Someone I had helped before told his wife that I helped people. We have spent some time meeting and just sharing Jesus stories. I am on staff at Hillcrest in Abilene as a local evangelist. My job is to talk about Jesus. Joe and his wife attend Beltway in Abilene. My elders are happy when I talk to anyone about Jesus, even if they don't end up going to Hillcrest. They just want the kingdom to grow.
So as Joe and I are telling Jesus stories, he attended a men's event at Beltway. As he shared with some of the men there about his journey, they encouraged him not to put off following Jesus but to make that decision the foundation for his life.
It was about this time that Joe and I missed meeting for about a month. When we got back together, he was anxious to tell me how "clean" he was. And that is how I learned he had been baptized by one of the Beltway guys at their Men's Boot Camp. Jesus stories, testimonies, baptism and a soul saved and a marriage getting better.
Jessie works at a local business that does a Bible study on Saturday morning before work. I know of the leaders of that study is Chris, a very active member at Hillcrest. One of the other leaders is active at Beltway. Jessie kept noticing that the people in this study had a real peace in their lives. And she didn't. As they talked about it last Saturday, the group told her the answer to a different life was found in Jesus. Just a few minutes later she wanted to give her life to Jesus.
So Chris called us to use the baptistry at Hillcrest. My wife helped Jessie get ready. Chris baptized her into Christ in front of about 15 of her co-workers. I don't even know where they all go to church. I just know the leaders are from Hillcrest and Beltway.
I don't really even know the guys helping Joe or the Bible study leaders at the business. I know Chris. And I know me. And my wife Marsha. Got to know Joe. Just met Jessie at her baptism.
I don't think any of the Hillcrest or Beltway staff or elders have any big plan to work together. I do know they are both in a very small but growing number of churches in Abilene committed to reaching people and growing the Kingdom.
But obviously God was at work. My brother Joe and my sister Jessie will never be the same.
So thankful for all the heart preparers, seed sowers, and seed waterers. From wherever they are.
God will give the increase/
The Kingdom explosion is coming in Abilene. And maybe all over West Texas. Or all of Texas. Maybe all over the U.S. And even the world.
Go God.