Tuesday, May 23, 2023


Jesus, water, and church retreats

 I speak at a lot of church retreats and it seems like almost all of them are by lakes or rivers.  So the natural theme becomes Down by the River or The Water's Edge or Jesus at the Lake, etc.  I just spoke at my own church's retreat and the theme was... well, you guessed it.

But I like it.  Not just because I already have the material ready, tho that is a real bonus.  But because there are so many stories about Jesus and water.

Jesus baptism.  Great way to talk about God's affirmation and a model for how we affirm.  Launching his public ministry.  Setting an example for us, though obviously Jesus was not baptized for forgiveness of sins.  Of course, he didn't pray the Sinner's prayer either. Jesus did not need saving.  But he was baptized and God was proud of him.

Nicodemus, Jesus, and being born again.  Of water and the Spirit.  Great lesson.  You will not be in the Kingdom of God unless you are born again of water and the Spirit.  We tend to emphasis the first part of being born again:  the water baptism.  But the Spirit part should be talked about more.  We become Spirit people when we are baptized.  Lives in us.  Produces fruit in us.  

Living water and the woman at the well.  Jesus as the water that quenches the desperate thirst in us for something more in life.  The Jesus that knows everything about us and still loves us.  Still wants us.  Still offers living water that never dries up.

Jesus that calms the sea storm.  Such a rich reminder that with Jesus everything will be fine.  He does calm the storms in our life.  Power over nature.  And Jesus has not lost his power.

Jesus and Peter walking on the water.  Get out of the boat.  Do something great for Jesus.  Keep your eye on him and not on the waves.  He will always be there for us, even when we sink.  

Peter, Jesus, and the amazing catch of fish.  We are sinners.  Jesus still wants us.  Don't be afraid.  Have courage.  Follow Jesus.  Catch men.

Jesus.  Water.  Life.  And we are part of that.

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