Tuesday, May 02, 2023


Why Is HIllcrest growing so much

 I got asked this question again just the other day.  Why is Hillcrest growing so much?  Most of the people I hear this from are not affiliated with Churches of Christ.  

And it is true. We are growing.  Some of that growth is from making new disciples.  We are intentional and focused on that.  Some are believers coming back to their faith.  We do seek lost sheep.

But their are a lot of people asking to join with us.  Some moving in from elsewhere and they like what is going on at Hillcrest.  Serving people on the margins.  Making a difference.  Being a part of something bigger than themselves.  Wanting to be a part of something that matters.

Some are people that didn't abandon their faith, but they did sort of drop out of church.  Maybe they had a bad experience.  Or got their feelings hurt.  But they ended up visiting Hillcrest and found what they were looking for.  I don't mean that the singing is just like they enjoy.  Or the preaching is exactly the style they love.  Not the building.  Or the youth program or children's ministry.  Or even the seniors ministry.  

But there a sense of belonging.  And of being welcome.  Churches have a vibe that people pick up on.  I personally would call it the Holy Spirit.  But there is something happening.

And finally, there are people coming from other churches in town.  You may think this is where I am going to point out what is wrong with other churches in town.  And how we are so much better.  Actually it would be easier to talk about what is wrong with Hillcrest.  I know our church and we are not perfect.  And I really don't know enough about most of the other churches in town to say if anything is wrong.

But I do know that sometimes people really, really want to be part of something amazing that God is doing.  They want to help change the world.  Change Abilene.  

And we are doing that. 

And here is the best part.  I don't think it is strategic at all.  I am not sure the ministry staff has a master plan.  Other than asking God to let us all be part of what He is doing.  Not sure the elders have a grand vision.  Other than praying for God to use us all to advance the Kingdom.

So why is Hillcrest growing so much?

I don't know.  But God does.

I am just glad to be part of the ride.

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