Tuesday, June 06, 2023


Jesus, me, money, and church

 I have been thinking about God and money lately.  And how that applies to my family and to my church family.  Lots of reasons but here are a few things I believe.

Money is never a problem for God.  The cattle on a thousand hills are his so money is just not a problem with God.

All I have to do is ask.  God will certainly give us what we need.  He will give us what is necessary to help others.  Sometimes He may even give us what we want (not need) because He is a good Father.

Ask for the right reasons.  Not for me but for others.  I think there is some church application here also.  Why do we ask God for financial resources as a community of faith?

There need to be people in every church and in every family who dream dreams for the Kingdom.  

There need to be people in every church and in every family who teach truth about God and money.  Ask for it.  Use it for others.  Don't get hung up on the money.

And there need to be good stewards in every church and in every family.  Those people of faith who ask the hard questions about the dreams so they become real.  People who hold us all accountable for our motives.  People who actually help keep our faith grounded.  

I don't like budgets.  I think we put way too much meaning onto our buildings.  But I know really passionate believers who think these things are absolutely necessary for the work of the Kingdom.  Maybe I am wrong.  Maybe they are wrong.  Or maybe buildings and budgets are not always an either/or but a both/and.

So for those who believe in them, you need someone like me that reminds you money is not an issue with God.  And that reminds you that buildings are only a tool.  

But I need those of you who are good stewards and actually account for the money given by God's people.  And I need to be reminded that buildings actually can help in the growth of the Kingdom.  That the optics associated with buildings might really matter.

After all, I really think we are after the same thing.

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