Thursday, June 08, 2023


Spiritually bankrupt, emotionally poor, and financial poverty

 A few weeks ago I led our congregational communion thoughts on the God of the poor.  As a church, we have been studying James and that morning the emphasis was on the God who cares for the poor.

We talked about how we were all one body, the poor and the rich.  In this life together with God.

We pointed out the three kinds of poor people in the assembly that morning.

Those in financial poverty.  The ones who do not exactly know how they are going to make ends meet the next month.  Or even the next week.  In all honesty, we do not have very many who literally worry about what they will eat from day to day.  But we do have several that we give extra too from our church meals together.  And it is needed and appreciated.  And we have some on the other extreme.  Sharing one loaf together in communion.

We have those that are emotionally poor and broken.  Every week in our assembly.  The marriages that are not rich in love and togetherness.  Those struggling with family dynamics.  The ones trapped in grief from the loss of a parent, mate, child, or close friend.  Those who cannot feel the joy of the Lord.  Battling anger and depression.  And we have some on the other end.  Life is good and they are living rejoicing in the day that the Lord has made.  All together sharing the blood of Jesus.

There are those that are spiritually bankrupt.  Living in a far country but showed up anyway.  Battling their addictions, overwhelmed by the guilt of secret sins, and knowing they are one of the lost sheep.  And those on the other extreme.  Not just walking the Jesus journey, but running toward Jesus.  Making a real difference in the Kingdom.  All together at our communion meal.

Proclaiming the death of Jesus together.  Looking for his return.

And knowing that God is the God that sees the poor.  And answers their cry.

Every one of them.

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