Thursday, August 24, 2023


What I learned from John Willis without taking a class

 John Willis went to Jesus a few days ago.  I was long thru with school when he came to teach at ACU.  I never even remember sitting in a Bible class under John at a church or even a Lectureship.  We were not really frineds but I knew him.  And he knew me.  Saw him occasionally at Cracker Barrel.  As did everyone else in Abilene.  I did read some of his material, especially in the Old Testament.

And here are three things I learned from John Willis.

Write for real people who are trying to learn.  I always got the point he was making, even if I didn't agree with it.  I appreciated that.  He was way smarter than me and knows more Old Testament than I ever will.  But I never got the sense that he thought he was smarter than me or anyone else.  He just shared his insights in a clear way.  Never belligerant, arrogant, or condescending.  That is rare.

People matter.  Really smart theologian and people lover is a rare combonation.  But that was John Willis.  Always knew your name.  Always asked how you were doing.  Always made you thing you matter to him.  And here is the thing... you did.  Really.  That is why all the wait staff at Cracker Barrel loved him so much.

Be a good husband.  I watched him with Evelyn.  They were a great team.  He really loved her.  They did great ministry together.  Hospitable.  Caring.  Willing to give advice.  You just wanted to have a better marriage when you were around them.

Well done Dr. Willis.  Well done.

Dr. Willis had a great sense of humor. What a Godly man he was.
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