Thursday, September 21, 2023
Appreciating people who know more than me
I appreciate those Christians who help me understand God''s Word better.
Three quick examples.
I am not an Old Testament scholar. I tend to use OT stories to help people see God and how to follow Him. I read things about hyssop, and walking thru animal sacrifices, and horn blowing. But I don't really get how deep and rich the imagry and meaning is. Until I hear my friend Tim Archer preach on these things. He brings out much of the background and meaning. Why these stories are so powerful because of the context. Doesn't change the meaning or message but sure does make it richer and fuller to know the background.
And Zach McCartney preaching on the famous "gates of hell" passage and explaining why the location where Jesus said that was so important. Again, doesn't change the meaning, but sure does make it deeper and richer.
Or Chris Vaughn doing a survey of Scripture for our Jesus Journey class and explaining why certain things made sense because of the culture in which they occured. Again, deeper and richer.
So I am thankful for people who learn "the rest of the story". People who learn the background. People that are smart enough to explain it so even I get the meaning of what the Bible is saying.
So you may have to know all the background, but it sure brings Scripture to life.
Oh... and if you have know idea what all these references are about, start doing a little research.
It will bring Scripture to life.
So thanks Tim, Zach, and Chris. You make God's word a little brighter in my life.