Thursday, October 26, 2023


Howard Norton made it home

 Howard Norton finished his race last week, just a couple of weeks after his wife passed.

I didn't know Howard well.  Just knew him thru church, preaching, and mission circles.  But there are a few things I really love and respect about him.  Reasons he made a real difference for the Kingdom.

He spent almost 20 years in Brazil as a missionary.  I love those Christians who give their life to sharing Jesus in hard places.  I have preached in several places in Brazil and I know first-hand the good the Norton family did and the long lasting influence they had.  That in itself is worthy of a "will done".

Howard served as the Director of the Baxter Institute in Honduras.  We did some work together, Baxter and Herald of Truth.  I really came to appreciate Howard's love for sharing the gospel.  

He was still teaching and preaching in his mid-80's.  Role model.  As long as he could, he did.  And people wanted to hear him.  Same message he preached for decades.  Jesus.  I often saw him on the "old rally" circuit.  If you don't know, that is the counterpart to the youth rally circuit.  Retreats for senior saints.  He was in great demand at those and I would often get to be on the program with him.

But here is maybe the main reason I love and respect Howard Norton.  He was the real deal.  He was always friendly, complimentary, and glad to see me.  Even when I kept introducing myself because I wasn't sure he would know who I was.  By the way, he may not have.  But he always made me feel like I mattered.  That takes a Jesus person to do that.

So well done Howard.  You and your bride both. You made a difference.  An eternal difference.  In Brazil, in Central America, and in the U.S.  

See you in heaven.

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