Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Jesus doesn't mess around with sin
In our Jesus Journey class we are about to study the story of when Jesus overturned the money changer tables in the Temple court. The point of these stories is to learn how we live out our Jesus journey today. Some may think I am going to talk about greed, or about using religion to make money. Maybe even go off on churches that build lavish buildings for large professional staffs.
We are going to talk about what I think is really the point.
Jesus does not mess around with sin.
He is the same Jesus who told us it is better to put out our eye rather than let it cause us to sin.
The same Jesus who told a women caught in adultery to stop sinning or something worse would happen.
The Jesus who said to cease fellowship with believers who will not repent of their sin.
The Jesus who said refraining from physical adultery was not enough. You can't even lust in your heart.
So what is the point for us?
Quit playing around with your sin.
Stop it. Cut it off at the source. Be radical in stopping your addictions. Stop rationalizing and making excuses. Just stop sinning.
Hard to do? Yes.
Necessary? Yes.
Jesus was hard on sin because forgiving our sins cost him his life.
Don't mess around with your sin.