Thursday, October 12, 2023


Why arguing the "issues" misses the point

I know a lot of Christians that spend a lot of time arguing issues.  Worship issues.  Salvation issues.  Women's role.  Sexual ethics.  Arguing for what is right.  Or what is wrong.  Speaking strongly (or harshly) against those who do not agree. Literal or at least practical drawing lines of fellowship over issues.    

I sometimes get asked to participate in discussions or debates or arguments over certain topics.  I rarely do it.  One because it doesn't really help anything that I have seen.  But also because my reasoning about issues is based on deeper underlying convictions.

So I thought I would share why abortion or same sex marriage or any number of other issues are not really about the issue.  

Here is where it all starts for me.

Loving God.  That is the greatest commandment.  Any position that puts me at odds with God is wrong for me.  

But how can I be certain what God wants or means?  The Bible.  Trying to enforce something that is not clear in Scripture is a non-starter for me.  Trying to convince me that something the Bible is clear on is not really true today is a non-starter.  

So many of my convictions are not based on the issue.  They are based on what I believe about God and the Bible.

But what about things the Bible is not clear about?  I don't think we can be dogmatic about them.  Some things are not clear. You have to use examples and principles.  Church leaders and community of faith exercising wisdom and judgment.  Church history.  These things together go into decisions and because there is not clear teaching we may come to different conclusions.  

But what about people?  Loving people is absolutely the second most important command.  And loving people factors into my decisions about things not clear.  

But I never understand the people over doctrine arguments.  Or doctrine over people.  I just don't think God sets up doctrine that is not loving people.  And loving people will never conflict with God's doctrines.  

So the important thing for me is always...

What does God want me to do?

What did God say to me?

And when it is clear -- and there is clarity about many issues -- that settles it for me.  

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