Thursday, November 16, 2023


My grandson Andrew Ridgell is turning 16

 My grandson, Andrew Ridgell, turns 16 this Sunday and, as is my custom, here are just a few of the reasons I love him and am really proud of him.

He loves his family.  He and his Dad are really close, but he loves his Mom, his brother and sister, his grands, cousins, aunts, uncles.  Well, you get the picture.  He really enjoys being with family and he helps his family.  He has done a lot of work at the ranch and I appreciate him.  

He loves his friends.  Good friends are rare and I am amazed how many of Andrew's peers tell me what a special friend he is.  He is someone they ask for advice and someone they depend on to be there for them.

He loves the outdoors.  Really enjoys hunting (got a nice 8 point opening day) and loves fishing (enough to be on his high school fishing team).  Enjoys working outdoors.  Camping.  Hiking.  

Loves sports.  This World Series run for the Texas Rangers was fun to share with him.  He is a good athlete.  Basketball and baseball.  He is old enough now where it is really fun to watch.  He is a really good ballplayer but the best part of watching him is how much he enjoys playing.  

But here is the biggest reason I am proud of Andrew.  He loves Jesus.  He has been a Jesus follower a long time and not just because that is a family heritage.  He chose to follow Jesus.  He helps others on their spiritual journey and he shares his faith.

So Andrew, you have brought a lot of joy to your Pops.  I look forward to what God is going to do with you and thru you.  You are a Kingdom warrior.

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