Thursday, January 11, 2024
Polyamory, Jesus, You, and Culture
I noticed another city has extended legal recognition to polyamorous relationships. So being in a multiple partner relationship is on the way to legal recognition and protection. This is how culture works. People want something that is seen as wrong or immoral. Seek legal recognition. Label anyone who opposes the position as judgmental, hateful, and unloving. Once legally established, seek laws that prohibit or even prosecute any view that does not support the desired behavior.
Of course, as a Christian I believe God is very clear about our relationships. One man and one woman. For life. There are any number of ways to violate that teaching, and even we Christians wrestle with God's plan. But culture by nature is not committed to God's standard. Culture reflects what the majority of people want to do.
So what is the Christian response to yet another sin being accepted and endorsed by our culture?
Many will lament and weep over the direction of the United States culture. They will seek to address this spiritual issue by legislation or political power. And it will not work. Because culture is not Christian and legislation does not change hearts.
I would remind Christians of a couple of things.
We are not primarily citizens of the country in which we have legal status. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God. Crossing every geographic and political boundary. Our Kingdom will outlast all the kingdoms of this world. The Kingdom of God will triumph in the end.
I do think it important to point out something here.
The people living this way and seeking to enforce their behavior are not our enemy. Evil is. Satan is. The powers of this world are. But not people. These are people made in the image of God. They are people that Jesus loved enough to die for. They are people that God wants to live with forever.
Just like you and me.
These are people that need Jesus. Just like we do.
Don't get confused about the enemy.
Sin is forgiven in Jesus. That has worked really well in my life and in yours.
Stop trying to change the kingdoms of this world. Not gonna happen.
Share Jesus. That changes lives. Forever. And it is happening.