Tuesday, February 06, 2024


A Few Reasons We Christians Are Strange

 We Christians must seem so strange to non-Christians.  We do things so opposite of culture we must seem foolish.  Here are a few reasons why.

We deny ourselves.  We put other people before ourselves.  Culture says take care of yourself, meet your needs, live your life.  Insist on your rights.  Stand up for yourself.

Our whole existence as Christians comes the fact that we die to self.  We are born again by being crucified with Jesus.

We get to give.  We give our time, energy, money to take care of each others.  To take care of people in need.  Culture very much says get all you can.  And keep it. 

We are sorry when we don't live up to the standards of Jesus.  We confess to each other.  We try to do better.  We change.  Culture says be true to yourself.  Be you.  Find your identity, whatever it may be.  We lose our identity to find identity in Jesus.

Our best life is not found here.  It will found in the presence of God forever.  We believe we have a good life here, but it does not compare to the life to come.

We believe we will be raised from the dead.  Just like Jesus was.  How strange that must seem to people that do not believe.

Yes, we must seem so strange.

Losing ourselves in Jesus.

Changing our behavior to conform to the Jesus way.

Putting others first.

Living for what we cannot yet see but believe.

Strange... and the best life imaginable.  

And we invite others to join our strange band of pilgrims as we journey home.

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