Thursday, February 01, 2024


Reminding us of why the resurrection matters.

 One of the core convictions we share with people wondering about what it looks like to follow Jesus is the belief that God raised Jesus from the dead.  And as they start their journey, we often remind them why this conviction matters.  

Here are a few things we help each other to remember about why we believe in the resurrection.

The resurrection shows God's power.  The resurrection proves God's power over our greatest enemy and our greatest fear.  Death.  The resurrection robs death and Satan of their power.

The resurrection gives us purpose and power in this life.  We do Kingdom things here because we believe we will live forever.  How pathetic if we give up everything in this life only to find out this life was everything.  But because we believe in the resurrection, it is not.

The resurrection enables me to believe I too will be raised from the dead.  If I have been united with Jesus in his death (baptism), I will be united with him in resurrection.

Believing in the resurrection keeps me from grieving without hope when my loved ones die.  I am a hope griever and we comfort each other with this conviction.

And of course, believing in the resurrection lets me face my own death with courage and faith.  

And the resurrection assures me my sins have forgiven.  If not for the resurrection, Jesus would just have been another religious person promising more that he could deliver.  Someone who died and that was that.  But God raised him from the dead never to die again.  Jesus is God's Son.  Sinless to die for my sins.  And that changes everything.

Thank you God for the resurrection.  And I look forward to the day you raise me.  Forever.

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