Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Can you really help everyone

 We are to love our neighbor as ourself.  The second greatest command.  Behind only to love God with all we have.  And as part of loving our neighbor, we define our neighbor as anyone in our world in need.  Those we encounter from day to day.  I do not feel compelled to solve world hunger.  I do feel compelled to feed those I encounter who are hungry.

But I think the person I encounter that has needs is third on my "to help" list. 

First I am obligated to help my family, my relatives.  Whatever time, energy, and resources that God gives me are to be used first on my family.  If I don't take care of them, I am denying my faith and am worse that a non-believer.  Go read I Timothy 5:8.  It is clear about my family responsibility.

Second, I take care of my spiritual family.  I am to help everyone in need, but especially those of the household of faith.  They come before everyone except my blood family.

Then I help everyone else I can.

But the priority seems clear.

Help my relatives when they are in need.

Help those in my faith community when they are in need.

Help anyone else I come across in my world that needs help.

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