Thursday, June 06, 2024


Keep one eye on the future

 Christians live for today.  We do live in the past.  We are not promised the future, except...

We Christians live for today with on eye on the future.

One reason is because that is how you live for today.  We do know that we have a future that involves living with God forever.  That is the only way to truly let go enough to just live in the moment.  

Nothing can rob me of my future.  Not even death.  Jesus was raised from the dead and that assures me that I too will be raised from the dead.  I will live forever.

And the truth is, I could not live in this world of pain and death without the promise of the real life to come.

The life where there will be no more death, or sorrow, or pain.  Or even sin.  The life where God himself will wipe away all tears.  The life where I will see God face to face. 

The life that will be forever.

And that knowledge is what allows me to live in the moment today.

Don't live in the past.

Live for today.

Keep one eye on the future.

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