Tuesday, June 04, 2024


Live for Today

 You are not going to live in the past.  Remember the good times, don't be chained to them.  Get past your bad past.  Live forgiven.

So you can live for today.

Live for today because you are not promised tomorrow.  The Lord may return and there will be no tomorrow.  Accidents happen and people die.  It could be you.  Cancer, heart attacks, or any number of serious illnesses.  Natural disasters.  

Life is short.  Make plans but remember to center them in the Lord.  "If the Lord wills...".  There is a whole passage in the book of James that makes this point.  Be careful about planning the future because life is short and the future is not guaranteed. Plan, but only with the understanding that they are dependent on the will of God.

Live for today because something amazing will happen.  God has work for you to do.  Someone may need your help.  You may get a chance to say a word about Jesus.  Enjoy your family.  Live your life.  This is the day that the Lord has made.  Rejoice and be glad in it.

Living in this attitude is the key to life. 

God gave you this day.  Enjoy it.  Make the most of it.  

Live every day as if it is your last.

This is the day the Lord has made. 


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