Thursday, June 13, 2024


The one thing good Dads do

 It's hard to be a Dad today.  Not a father, that's biological.  But to be a Dad.  We are in a culture that does not value men.  A culture that often acts as if there is no difference between men and women.  That you really do not have to have a Dad to have a strong family.

I get some of that.  I know amazing families that are led by single Moms.  Strong families in spite of weak Dads.  But my thinking about Dads is formed by two convictions.  My faith as a Christian.  My belief that the Bible is the word of God.

So I believe our world needs strong Dads.  I believe in strong Granddads.  Church Dads.  Stepdads.  Male role models.  I love the faithful men who are forming our boys into faithful men.

Thankful for my two Dads (mine and my father-in-law).  Love watching my son be the Dad he is.  Appreciate my son-in-law stepping in as a step-dad to two teenagers.  And I have three grandsons who will be great Dads.  

Teaching life skills.  And yes, outdoor skills.  Athletics.  How to be a gentleman.  How to treat women, children, and animals.  How to work hard.  How to put others first.

But here is the most important thing a Dad can do.  Teach your kids Jesus.  Nothing else comes close.  Nothing.  And nothing else really matters if they do not get Jesus.

So take them to church.  Talk about Jesus.  Why you do the things you do.  Why you don't do some things.  Read Scripture to them.  Pray over them and with them.  Work on your spiritual life.  Ask forgiveness.  Do better.  Baptize them.

There are a gazillion things I wish I had done differently as a Dad.  Things I wish I hadn't done.  Things I wish I had done.  Gave my kids a lot of baggage.  

But I got one thing right.  

Jesus.  My family is not perfect.  None of them.  And they are all still working out their faith, especially the grands.  But they know Jesus.

And in the overall scheme of things, that is what a good Dad does.  Give them Jesus.

And if you feel life you haven't done that... then start today.  Right now.  This Sunday.  Live your faith and share it with your family.  I don't care how old you are.  It is never too late to become a good Dad.

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