Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Five ideas for bringing lost sheep home

 Luke 15 is the great chapter on bringing lost sheep home.  Or a lost son.  Or a lost coin.  Lost sheep evangelism is gaining traction in lots of churches.  It matters.  

So here are few suggestions for bringing the lost sheep home.

Pray for lost sheep.  All great ministry movements start with prayer.  Ask God to bring you into contact with lost sheep.  To help you see them.  To give you words to say.

Look for lost sheep.  When you get into Jesus conversations, always ask about life stories.  Even if you know they are not faithful Christians.  Ask if they grow up going to church, or if their family was religious.  When they start talking, you may find out they were once active believers.  Lost sheep.

Develop relationships.  Become friends.  Do some things together.  Offer to pray for them about life issues.  Show up at their family weddings and funerals.  Invite them to church.  

Talk to them.  If they talk about why they left church, answer appropriately.  If it was a sin issue, speak to it out of Scripture.  If they wondered away, talk about forgiveness, grace, and fellowship.  If they were hurt by church or Christians, be careful.  You do not have to agree and you do not have to defend the church.  Maybe an apology is in order.  Talk about how Jesus matters in your life.  

Throw a party when they come home.  Have a celebration meal.  Or bake a coming home cake.  When you announce their coming home, give the standing ovation.  Rejoice like the angels.

You will of course think of many more things to do in bringing lost sheep home.  Try them.  

After all, bringing lost sheep home is the heart of Jesus.

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