Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Five things you do not have to do to reach the lost

 I spend a lot of time talking about what to do to reach the lost.  Sometimes, I hear people suggesting things that may be helpful but are not critical.  And in fact, may even be an obstacle.  So here are five things I do not think are critical to reaching the lost.

Dynamic Preachers and preaching.  I like great communicators.  I really like great preachers.  But there are not many of those.  So if you think you have to have great preaching to reach the lost, you are probably not going to do much evangelism.  The point is for them to hear Jesus.  To hear about Jesus.  This is not to excuse bad preaching, but it is to remember that great preachers are not the key to reaching the lost.  Can be but don't have to be.

Exciting worship.  You define that how you want but we are not competing for attention.  The point of worship is God, not us.  So worrying about your singing may not be the key to reaching the lost.  Authentic, heartfelt worship of God is powerful.  And is enough.  If your worship is exciting because of God then that is good.  But authentic is best.  

Large crowds.  Lots of people worshipping and coming to Jesus is great.  But small groups are sometimes much more effective avenues to share our faith.

The right program or technique.  There isn't one.  I am amazed at how churches decide not to have me come talk about evangelism when they realize I don't a program or technique to teach.  It is really easy to be overtrained and under-evangelized.  Just start talking about Jesus.  Start inviting everyone to come worship.  Just do.

a preacher, church, or leaders committed to evangelism.  Of course it is better to have that kind of support and leadership.  and frankly, if your church leadership is not supporting, encouraging, doing evangelism they are not much of a leadership.  But if they are not, do it anyway.  They can't stop you from talking about Jesus and God is going to bless you.  If they do try to stop you, go find another church to worship with or meet in your home.

Yes, I realize I may be too simplistic.  Yes I know that I have done a lot of evangelism with dynamic preaching, exciting worship, and large crowds.  And they were not the key.

Tell people about Jesus.  Be real.  Invite them into the Jesus journey.

I thought for years it was my responsibility to lead others to follow Jesus. Thankfully it is the Holy Spirits job to convert lost souls. We need to listen more than talk hence the 2 ears one mouth principle. Many Christians feel pressure to lead others to Christ when we need to really follow him and be ready to respond to those in need. The gospel doesn’t need defending. The gospel is a lion and just needs to be let loose to do the work through the Holy Spirit.
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