Thursday, August 15, 2024


Christians have to be in the battle every day

I am hearing a lot lately about Christians and fighting.  Culture wars.  Politics.  Anger and despair.

I do think Christians are an army engaged in war.  We just need to be sure we are fighting the right battles and the true enemy. 

 Christians are warriors for the Kingdom of God.  

There are four battles every Christian needs to engage in every day.

First, fight Satan in your own life.  Get in the Word.  Pray often.  Fight temptation.  Stay focused.

Second, fight with others in their battle against the evil one.  Speak a word of encouragement.  Send a card.  Have someone in your home for coffee or dinner.  Show up during the hard times.  Give of your time, money, and energy to encourage/help others.  Do not gossip.

Third.  Fight for the souls of  those outside the Kingdom.  Speak up for Jesus.  Invite people to church.  Share you story.  Invite people to hear more about Jesus.  Ask people to join you on the Jesus journey.

Four.  Fight the influence of Satan in this world.  Speak words of peace.  Treat people the way Jesus did.  Be a kingdom outpost.  Show a better life and a better way.

Every day.

This is your real mission and task in this world.

Do this on the job, at school, at the ballfield, in your neighborhood, in your church, and in your family.

Be strong.  Be courageous.  Do not get discouraged.  Do not be afraid.

God is with you.

You have much to offer.  So do it.

You are part of a might army.

And we will win.  

So get in the fight.  Every day till you are called home. 

Amen and amen
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