Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Reminders for Christians during Election Season

 Election season is picking up steam so here are a few reminders for those of us who follow Jesus.

Our Kingdom is not of this world.  Whatever happens in the United States is secondary to our main allegiance.  Always.

God is in control.  Nothing happens unless God causes it or allows it.  Governments can function as ministers of God.  So can Presidents, tho maybe not the way you think.

Vote your Jesus conscience.  And some of us will not vote because of our Jesus conscience.  But however you vote or don't vote, remember that politics is a terrible evil if allowed to come between brothers and sisters.

If your candidate wins, perhaps there will be a wonderful environment for the church to flourish.  Perhaps people on the fringe will be helped.  Maybe the economy will be so good that you will have many more resources to share for real Kingdom business.

If your candidate loses, maybe things will go in a direction for from Jesus values.  Maybe some people will start to wonder if there is not something better.  Real truth.  Strong values.  Purposeful lives.  And we will be there to show them a better way.

This is why how we act and speak during this season matters.  

Be careful that you are not spending more time and energy on this country than on the Kingdom that lasts.  I want people around us to know where our real allegiance is.  And that is not to any political party.  Or any country.

Finally.  God has got this.  He was in control before this country existed and He will be in control long after this country ceases to exist.

He knows what is best.  

Let's just stay ready to be about our Father's business.

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