Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Starting Jesus conversations

 I often get asked how to start conversations with friends about Jesus. There are any number of "conversation prompts" out there. You know, if they say that, then you say this. Then depending on what they say next, you say this or that. You can even find leading questions that will let you use the old "but you said..." approach.

I don't have any of those. I just don't think memorizing scripts is the best way to share Jesus. And Jesus didn't teach his disciples a script, so...

But here are some natural ways to be a friend.

Pray lots. Pray for needs they have. But also pray for open hearts and pray for opportunities to say something. Pray for the courage to speak.

Invite. Children's programs are a great attraction. Holiday invites (Christmas and Easter) are good. Special programs (caring for aging parents, parenting, marriage seminars, financial issues) are really effective.

Talk about Jesus. Give God glory for healing, finances, crisis solutions, etc. Always. I usually follow this up with some kind of invite to talk more. My conversion, what Jesus means, what God has done, etc.

Ask about their Jesus journey. Just things like I would ask about anything. If I am talking about baseball, I ask did you ever play? What position? Why'd you stop? With Jesus, I might ask if they ever went to church, or what they think about Jesus.

Don't be afraid to apologize. Sometimes it is personal if you have not always lived up to your faith. Sometimes it is an apology for what they perceive the church or some Christian did. If I don't know the situation I do generic apologies. I don't know what happened, but if you were hurt I am sorry. I hope they did not mean to but we are not perfect. Forgiven.

Have your neighbors over for meals. Get to know them. And let them know you.

Finally, a word about the cost. I am often told by Christians that they are afraid they will lose friendships if they talk about Jesus. If your Jesus talk costs a friendship it wasn't going to be much of a friendship. I mean, Jesus is the most important thing to you. How can you be friends with someone that will not even acknowledge what is most important to you.

But you don't have to be pushy, arrogant, a religious bully, or display a spiritual superiority complex.

But you also don't have to try and convince them you are just alike. Jesus does make a difference. We may all be sinners but we Christians are forgiven. We may all have issues, but ours get fixed by God.

These may, or may not, work for you. But I think they are helpful.

God bless you as you share His Son in your friend/co-worker/teammate/classmate, neighbor sphere of influence.

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