Tuesday, August 06, 2024


Understanding the real issue

 I spend quite a bit of time talking with non-believers about Jesus.  They have a lot of questions.  Mostly they are genuinely seeking answers and I try to be gentle and respectful in my answers. But occasionally someone will get antagonistic and want to argue about beliefs I hold.  I rarely engage in these debates and here is why.

We are coming at the issue from different convictions about what determines our world view.  I absolutely approach things from the core conviction that there is a God that is real and active in our world.  

Non-believers obviously do not accept that conviction.  Their beliefs are formed based a different conviction.  This makes it really hard to discuss anything.  I cannot accept anything I believe is against God's will and they cannot accept anything that is based a myth or unknowable god.

So most of my discussion is not on the "issues" they want to talk about, but on the existence of God and why I believe.  And answering their questions about why I believe.

As an example, I recently spent time talking with an agnostic.  He had questions about certain moral issues relating to life issues.  I explained my beliefs based on the existence of a God that values life.  He was somewhat taken aback when I acknowledged that he would not accept my belief since he did not believe in God.  I asked him to explain the reasoning for his beliefs since if there is no God, morality is a little bit of "every man decides for himself."

So I try not to get caught in morality debates.  We Christians make our decisions based on our belief in God.  Not culture.  Or ourselves.  

So make the discussion about the real difference:  is there a God? 

And be prepared to defend our belief that there is.

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