Thursday, July 23, 2020


Thinking about placing membership... or not.

One thing this pandemic has done is make me think a lot about the whole concept of church membership.  

You know, the idea that we need to part of a distinct group of believers.  Working in their programs.  Sending them our contributions.  Attending there.  This is a thinking out loud blog.  Not giving answers because I am not sure I have any yet.  And I will even acknowledge that our personal situation may be really, really unique.  Or it may not be.  But here are some things that have made me wrestle with the whole membership/placing membership idea.  

I have listened to many preachers during the pandemic shut-down but the four I listen to the most are Rick, Richard, Chris, and Tommy.  They preach in Fort Worth, Plano, Abilene, and Fredericksburg.  

We are members of a congregation we haven't attended in over a year.  But I still do a lot of ministry with that church and many of its members. 

The church where we have attended most is not where we are members.   

Our contribution has gone to mission churches, individuals, medical bills, funeral expenses, and groceries for people all over.  

I have preached in every Church of Christ in Abilene I think.  If you count weddings and funerals, you can add several Baptist and Methodist churches.  

Our small group has been together over twenty years and we don't go to church together.

The men I consider my spiritual shepherds/elders go to least four or five churches in Abilene.  

When someone says church family, I think of people not congregations.

Our spiritual interactions/fellowship lately have been with people from Southern Hills, Oldham, Beltway, Highland, University, Remington Ridge, Hillcrest, and a few who aren't sure where they go.  Or they are looking.

I have people from at least nine churches in town who consider me one of their elders.  I know because they have told me when they call.  They call me for spiritual counsel or when in spiritual crisis. I think they are family.

Abilene is strange.  Lots of churches.  Lots of choices.  Lots of troop transfer.  Not as much sheep stealing as you would think.  In fact, I am not sure I know a church in town that actively seeks members from other churches.  But people sure move around.  Sometimes because the member changes.  Sometimes because the church changes.  

And before things shut down, I was doing a lot a preaching in places where all the churches together were few and far between.  Where a church of fifty was a big church.  And preaching in a couple of places where lots of churches are working together to reach people for Jesus.

And yes, I am aware of the differences -- sometimes major differences -- in how to approach the Bible.  I do think that matters. 

So I guess I am just wrestling with the whole concept of exclusive church/congregation membership.  

And of course, membership is not even a formal process in Scripture.  If you are a Christian, you are a member of the church.  Somehow you do worship together, serve each other, and make more disciples.  

So sorry if none of this makes sense.  I am just trying to figure it out in my own mind.  

And realizing that if God was not more clear about it, then maybe we/I have made too big a deal about it.  So I love my church family.  Wherever you are currently worshiping.  Let me know if I can ever help.     


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Thanks for the thoughts, Steve. I would say that for at least since the emergence of the millennials, the concept of church membership has been largely foreign. There have been a few churches that have done well in evolving the concept - the large church that attracts most college students here in Austin actually motivates membership commitments by making it an involved process to become what they call a partner. We had a student get baptized in our ministry largely so she could become a "partner" at that church. So it's not dead, but congregational membership is a fluid and mostly bygone concept.
Hey Cary. I almost said that this whole issue will be decided for us by millennials. So we better think it thru. Good observation. appreciate you.

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