Thursday, February 25, 2021
Jamie Ridgell is about to have a Birthday
So our daughter-in-law, Jamie Ridgell, is about to have a birthday. So as is my custom, here are just a few of the many reasons I love Jamie and am proud of her.
Lots of people call their DIL's "daughter-in-love. Cute. But we just call Jamie our daughter. I talk about my girls and I tell people we have two daughters. We feel that way because she treats us just like her parents.
Jamie is a helper. She helps out at meals. Runs errands. Always welcomes us to come see them. Always.
Jamie always seems so calm. She cannot be as calm and laid-back as she seems. But she really does just take things in stride.
Her job is ministry. As a nurse, she works at a pregnancy center part-time. Helps a lot of women make better decisions about their baby. She is compassionate, non-judgmental, and gentle.
Jamie is a prayer. Prays for her people. All of us. Prays for her clients. Prays for her friends.
She loves our son Joe Don. She loves our grandkids.
She desperately seeks to live out her faith. There are people in the Kingdom because of her. There are people that stay in the Kingdom because of her.
When we introduce ourselves to people that know Jamie they immediately tell us how great she is, how much they love her, and how she has blessed their lives. Every time.
I think she is a great role model for younger wives and mothers. And for her daughter Anna and her friends.
So God we are thankful for our Jamie. Continue to bless her and to use her to do amazing things in the Kingdom.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Ordinary Things that God Makes Extraordinary
They are just ordinary, everyday things that God makes extrordinary.
Water. You see it everywhere. Common and found all over our world. People drink it. They cook with it. They wash themselves with it. They wash clothes and dishes. They use it to grow things.
And they are baptized in it. Not to get clean on the outside, but to get clean on the inside. I Peter 3:20-21. God's work in the waters of baptism saves us. The Holy Spirit comes to live in us. Acts 2:38. God's mercy, grace, and love meeting our faith and love in the water. Ordinary H20. That changes everything. That makes us holy by the blood of Jesus. Where we share in his death. Romans 6:3-5. I have baptized people in baptistries, horse troughs, hot tubs, fountains, swimming pools, and lakes. Ordinary water where God does something extraordinary.
Bread. Common in every meal all over the world. But when Jesus shared it with his apostles it was extraordinary. We are invited into that same meal with Jesus. I Corinthians 11:23-24. A meal of ordinary bread that has the power to focus our memories on what God has done for us. The gift of his Son. Our declaration that we believe Jesus came to this earth and died for our sins. I have had homemade flat bread, crackers, bread that I pulled apart, bread that handed to me, and bread that I went to the table to get. Ordinary bread that is the body of Jesus. Extraordinary gift of God.
Wine. Served at almost every meal in Jesus' time. Ordinary beverage that becomes a memorial to the blood of Jesus. I Corinthians 11:25-26. A call to examine ourselves and to remind ourselves that we believe Jesus died. I have had wine, grape juice, homemade wine, fermented wine, and rasin wine. Ordinary drink that is used by believers to announce our conviction that Jesus will come back. Because we believe.
Water, bread, wine. Ordinary items made extraorinary by God. Made holy by God.
And most amazing of all -- the ordinary me that God has made holy by the blood of His Son.
How great is our God.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
We Need to Meet Together
Let me start by stating that this is not a criticism of church decisions. I know churches that never really stopped meeting in person. Smaller groups. Masks. Social distancing. Even more services to keep the crowds down. I know churches that stopped, started, stopped, started, ... well, you get the point. And I even know churches that stopped early and haven't started back yet.
But I do want to remind all of us why meeting together matters. Small or large. Living rooms or auditoriums. But it matters.
And none of this has to do with preaching by video. Some guys are amazing at this. Some of us are... not amazing.
But we need to see each other. Communion is our shared sermon. It is a reminder that we are not alone in this. There are others committed to declaring that Jesus died and rose again. It is powerful when done in community. Even watching my brothers and sisters partake is meaningful to me.
We need to sing together. I know you can sing along with the video. I know some churches are doing their music by video even in person. I know some are cautious about the dangers of singing in groups. So sing in your mask. Sing socially distanced. Sing with the recorded music. But sing. Listening to others raise their voice in praise inspires us. God's people have always sung together. David and psalms. Jesus at the Supper. The early church together from their heart.
We need to see each other. Seeing you reminds me to pray for you. Seeing you lets me remember your story. Seeing you lets me say "I love you,", or "how are you doing?" And you can see my eyes and know that I mean it.
We need to touch. The holy kiss. If you don't want to shake hands, then fist bump. Or elbow bump. Laying on hands at arm's length. Back pats. It matters.
But isn't some of this risky? Probably. Maybe. I don't know.
Is it worth thinking about how to do this? Yes.
Hard questions.
Loving God. Loving each other. Loving our neighbors. Witness.
This is personal for us too. My Mom is 90. She wants to go to church. I think we are.
I am starting to get asked to speak at churches again. Different places. Flying. Meeting people that are not in my neighborhood.
Neighbors starting to go to church. Starting -- or restarting -- spiritual journeys.
I am not smart enough to know all the answers.
But I do know God designed us to worship in community.
May God bless us all as we seek to worship Him, serve others, and make disciples.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
What Should Christians Do about Poverty, Health, and Hurting People
I hear a lot of discussion these days in preacher circles about eliminating homelessness. Or poverty. Or hunger. About making sure everyone in the world has clean drinking water. Worthy goals. Noble objectives.
Jesus did not heal everyone. He did not eliminate poverty. Or hunger. In fact, he seemed to indicate that these social ills would always be present in this world.
But Jesus did heal people. And feed people.
He told us that one of the factors in our judgment would be how we treated the less fortunate among us.
So here are a few of the things I have been thinking and wrestling with lately.
I am absolutely convinced that I am called as a follower of Jesus to help those in my world who are in need. So I feed hungry people. My wife and I minister to sick people (and I mean by this taking food, rides to the Dr., sitting with sick and their families, praying over them and for them, even paying medical bills). We visit lonely people.
If I refuse to do this, I am not a faithful follower.
But I am not sure it is my mission -- or the mission of the church -- to eliminate these conditions.
Because we cannot. Because Jesus did not see that as his mission.
And because I think these goals detract from the real mission. The real mission is to make disciples.
So I wrestle with the inherent conflict.
It seems to me the true call is for me to examine my life and see how I am loving and caring for people in real time and real life.
Of course, if I do that I also have the opportunity to share my faith.
If they become disciples, there are more people now going around helping people.
But that takes a lot of time, energy, and money. My time, energy, and money.
It might be a lot easier to try and change systems and structures so there is no hunger or poverty.
But I am not sure that will ever work in a fallen world.
The poor are always going to be with us. So I will help where I can.
I encourage you to do the same. Not dramatic or flashy. Maybe not even world changing.
But certainly life changing. Mine and maybe theirs too.
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Why I Don't Want the Government to Give away My Money
There are a lot of needs in our world. There are hungry people. People that need medical attention. That need shelter. Child care costs money. Transportation. How about education costs.
People need fnancial assistance. There are a lot of government programs designed and intended to help people. People who may not have had the advantages some of us had in terms of education. Or family upbringing. Or economic status. Or even race.
Economic assistance costs money. If it is provided by the government, my tax dollars pay for it. So there are frequent calls for higher taxes to assist the less fortunate among us.
Here is why I do not want the government getting any more of my money to use in assistance programs.
I am a Christian.
I want God to get the credit when someone is helped. Not a government. Not a political party. In our culture, God will not get credit for governmental assistance. Though I do think some recipients that are believers will give God thanks. But when I use my money -- that God has given me -- to help others I am able to give God the credit for the gift. As I should.
I want to look people in the eye when I am able to help them. I want to know them so I can help with other needs. Emotional needs. Or spiritual needs. I want to give with intentionality so people I help may even ask why I am doing it. And I am ready with my Jesus answer.
I believe Christians have a responsibility to help those of our faith community in need. I want more of my resources to go into my spiritual family. The less the government takes, the more I have to give.
I think there is more to helping people than just money. I can do other things if I know the people I am helping.
More of my money can go directly to needs instead of overhead and expenses. My money will not be administered by people or programs that stand in opposition to God. And some government programs are.
So that is why as a Christian I do not want my more of my money to go to the government.
I also realize that all of this is dependant on my being a genuine follower of Jesus who uses my money to serve and help others.
People need help.
God will give me resources to use.
I will use them.
For God's glory.
Tuesday, February 09, 2021
Four ways to get your way at church
Churches/church leaders make decisions all the time. Most everyone has an opinion on what decision is best. And if we are honest, our way is the right way. So how can I get everyone to vote/accept/agree to my way.
Here are four helpful hints to ensure you get your way.
Threaten. Threaten to leave. Or to resign. Or to stop giving. Use whatever threat you think will work. Because almost immediately everyone will say "no don't do that" and pretty soon your way wins out.
Just hope no one calls your bluff. Because the best way to stop this approach is to accept the resignation and not let them retract it.
Get angry. But make it look like righteous indignation. Old Testament prophet anger. You know -- "opposing God", "tired of blocking progress", "just want your way", etc.
Of course, if you are an elder just hope no one points out that elders are not to be quick tempered.
Use language that can't be argued with: "God told me." "the Holy Spirit is leading me to...," "I am just thinking of my family, kids, those that have gone before, or those coming after."
But watch out because someone else will point out everyone has family they want the best for. Or someone may ask why God did not make it clear to them, or why the Holy Spirit did not lead them to that conclusion.
Of course, just point out that they obviously are not spiritual enough to receive the clear leading.
Quote someone else. Use some preacher or professor that agrees with you. Even generic use of certain colleges or congregations may do it.
Just hope no one uses names that do not agree with your position.
So these four ideas may help you get your way.
But you have to believe the end justifies the means. And that God is happy if you use unholy methods to get your holy idea accepted.
And as long as you don't mind being a church bully. Becaue these things above are absolutely signs and actions of a church bully.
Thursday, February 04, 2021
There is only one answer for a broken world
I cannot imagine that anyone argues our world is not broken. Some good obviously. Christians. Even non-Christians will be good and do good because they are made in the image of God. But there is too much pain and brokeness. The answer is not in countries or culture or church.
I believe God is the only answer for our world. Because real change is a matter of the heart. Countries try laws. Culture goes by what the majority want to do. Institutional churches are focused on themselves.
But God changes hearts.
He gave His Son so we can be forgiven. Forgiven of all the things we have done -- and do -- that break us and break others.
He gives us His Holy Spirit as believers so we can be holy in a broken world.
He gives us His Word so we can know Him better and know how to be his people.
And He asks us to love Him with all our heart. And to love others as we love ourselves.
That changes everything.
Not because we are perfect but because we are getting better at living like Jesus.
This can happen in any country. Even countries that oppose so much of what God wants.
It happens in any culture. We Christians are different. We may -- will -- be persecuted because most will not follow the Jesus way.
We live together in spiritual family and community. Not as an organized church with rules and structure and conformed to the way the world works. But people together woshipping, serving, loving, growing in Jesus.
So the real question is what answer works?
If you are not a Christian, maybe you ought to check us out.
If you are, spend your time, energy, and resources teaching others the Jesus way.
Because when you do, you are changing and healing this world.
And just maybe... changing countries and cultures and churches.
Tuesday, February 02, 2021
Country, Culture, and even Church are not the answer
Our world is a mess. Always has been and always will be. Hatred, abuse, greed, racism, addictions, broken relationships. Well, you know this as well as I do.
I think we often look in the wrong place for answers.
Country. Living in the United States, I am still amazed how many people conflate America with the Kingdom of God. You are not going to fix the problems of this world thru any political system. Abuse and evil occur under every system of governing known to man. You can never pass enough laws to get people to do right all the time. Laws may control actions but they do not change hearts. And eventually everyone is true to their heart. Countries are about self-preservation. Countries go to war to protect their way of life. Or to preseve power. To expect a country to advance real God values is an exercise in futility. And most of all, countries rise... and countries fall.
Culture. Christians will never accomplish anything if they follow culture. Because the morality of cultures constantly change. Something that today is lauded as a right was condemned as evil just a few years ago. And something today seen as right will be labeled as wrong in the future. Much of the evil in this world has often by supported and endorsed by culture. Everyone may be sure that the culture they are in has it just right. Finally. Until you realize that people of every culture forever have believed that.
Church. At first glance you might assume that church is the answer for what is wrong in our world. But which church? The church of culture? The church of polical power? The church supported by country or culture? Churches often grow into a reflection of their culture. Even tho every church I have known insists it is not influenced by culture. As church evolves into an institution, it accumulates power and then begins to do whatever necessary to perpetrate the institution. It even seems that the larger the church, the easier it is to focus more and more on the members and less and less on those on the outside.
I do need to say one thing about church. Church actually is just a gathering/group/spiritual family/community of faith. It was never designed to be an organized institution.
Everyone of these three seeks to change the world into their image. Top down. Rules. Enforce the community group think.
Trouble is, our world is not made up of organizations. It is made up of people.
So it just may be that the Christians living as the family of God may have something to say about the real answer to the problems of the world.
More about that next time.