Tuesday, August 30, 2022


Three keys to being a healthy spiritual mentor


There is so much mentoring in Scripture.  Fathers/sons, widows and younger women, old men/young men, older women/younger women, Paul and his young preachers, Jesus and the apostles.  There is so much talk today in church life about having and being a mentor.

What does a mentor do? If you realize you are in a mentoring situation, what are you supposed to do?

Here are three suggestions to say to those you mentor.

“I have found it to be true…”  You have wisdom to be shared.  It may be from years of studying the Scriptures.  It may be from years of dealing with people.  It may be from your own life.  Share the truth of Christian life and ministry.  Speak truth into younger husbands or mothers. 

“When this happened to me…”  One reason you become a mentor is because you have a lot of life experience.  Share that.  It is so important as a parent to realize that there are those who have walked that road before you.  Your mentor took care of babies, they raised teenagers.  Mentors will know what it is to wade into the middle of a crumbling marriage.  They have taken middle of the night phone calls.  As a mentor, you have lived life situations.  Share that experience.

“Come with me.”  I believe this is absolutely the most powerful thing you can do as a mentor.  Let people do life with you.  I learned how to visit the hospital by going with my Dad.  Much of my understanding of how to effectively shepherd was because I had experienced elders take me on pastoral work. 

Speak truth.  Share your experience.  Take them with you.

That is how mentors raise the next generation of leaders.

Thursday, August 25, 2022


A few more thoughts on truth, God, and the Bible

 Just to be clear...

I believe the Bible is the word of God.  It is true.  All of it.  I get that some of it is hard to understand.  It should be.  After all, it was written by God.  But much of it is easy to understand.  Not always comfortable.  Not always the way I would do things.  But again, God and ... well, me.  

I hear a lot of discussion about whether the Bible is true, or which parts are true.  Or if what used to be true is no longer true.  

So what determines the truth of the Bible?  And this does matter because the Bible says a lot about how to use it.  Even how not to abuse it.  


What the church says is true.  I think it is important for the church to study the Bible together.  Community discernment is important.  But which church decides what is true in the Bible?  Surely your church has it figured out, right.  Until the church splits over how to interpret the Bible.  And I don't see much in Scripture about the church determining what is true or not.  And what if your church is led by leaders not in tune with God (like the 10 unfaithful spies)?

Listen to the preachers.  I mean they went to school to learn how to figure out the Bible.  Though you have to decide which preachers trained at which schools.  The school that trained me teaches a way different approach to Scripture than when I was there.  So either they were wrong then (tho in fairness maybe they just didn't know enough) or they are wrong now.  And different schools teach different things.  Lot of difference in theology between Notre Dame and Baylor.  Or Abilene Christian and Freed.  You also do not see much about "trust the preacher" in Scripture.  You may see that you should examine the Scriptures to test the message they preach.  And we preachers are warned about what we teach.  

Cuture.  Listen to your world.  Shouldn't the Bible mean different things at different times and in different places?  So the Bible is a little bit of a moving target.  What was true centuries ago may not be true today.  And what is true in the U.S today may not be true in Africa.  Of course, the Bible doesn't really talk about itself that way.  And it seems odd to let non-believers of the world decide what is right.

So what is the answer to what Scripture means?

Read it for yourself first.  There is a lot of very clear teaching in the Bible.  Follow it.  Believe it.

Watch out for two things especially.

If it is not in the Bible, do not let someone convince you that God meant for it to be there.  There are lots of things you can decide based on Scripture principles, but do not confuse that with a direct teaching from God.

And if there is clear teaching, do not let someone convince you that God didn't mean it.  That He really wasn't meaning Scripture to be taken literally in our day and age.  I think God and the Holy Spirit knew exactly what they were doing.


You may -- or may not -- agree with me.  That's OK.  I am not God and I did not write the Bible.

But as for me.  I am going to read it for myself.  I will listen to people way smarter than me and evaluate what they teach by the Bible itself.  

And I will try to follow the teaching.

Amazing.  God wrote a book just for me.  So I could learn better how to live as His child.

So I'll keep reading it.  And believing it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


Why the Bible matters

 I am just going to go ahead and get this out there...

I believe the Bible.  

Here are just a few reasons why.  

It is the word of God.  The Bible is not God.  It did not make me.  I don't believe the Bible loves me.  But I do believe it is the word I need from God.  The Bible is God speaking to me.

It is true.  I mean... it kinda has to be true if it is the word of God.  All of it is true.  I have always thought if the Holy Spirit could inspire men to write the Bible, then the Holy Spirit could make certain it was preserved thru the ages for us.  So I believe we have the word God wants us to know.

And I do believe the Bible is the work of the Holy Spirit.  Used men to write it, but inspired by the Holy Spirit.  I do not think some of the Bible was inspired by the Spirit, but some of it was just men writing what they thought or believed.  Because then you have to decide which is the Holy Spirit and which part is just men.  Some think that is the point.  Of course, it is very confusing when some parts of the Bible are true, then they are not, then they may be true again some day.  So I think it is all or nothing.  For me... it is all true.

I can read the Bible for myself.  Yes, there are parts I do not really understand.  And some parts I do not understand.  But I do not think that makes it not true.  Because I do not think I am the fount of all truth and wisdom.  I don't think you are either.  That's why we need the Bible.

My spiritual life is better as a Jesus follower when I follow the Bible.  I mean, most of what I know about Jesus I learned from the Bible.  All those stories that show God's character.  Even the parts I don't get.  They remind me that God is greater than I am.  And He knows more.  

I love the Bible.  I want to know Scripture.  Not just for the doctrine, though it is sure good to have truth to study.  But for the life advice.  It shows me where my life is out of line, it shows me how to get back on track, teaches me.  And it is good for me to teach the Bible to fellow travelers on the Jesus road.  Yes, I did steal those last few points from the Bible.  

All the really great Jesus followers I have known have been people who read the Bible.  

Every one.

So I read mine.

Because it is from God.  It is true.  It helps me follow Jesus.

Thursday, August 18, 2022


Teaching about Death and Dying

 Christians have to talk more about death and dying.  I am finding myself doing this more and more.  Maybe because I am getting old.  Maybe because I do a lot of funerals.  Maybe because I spend a lot of time talking with Christians about dying.  

Let's be clear.  Death is a tool Satan uses.  Fear of death.  Worry about dying.  Unsure of what's next.  Pain when dying.  Death is our enemy.

So here are a few suggestions for Chrisitans to think about -- and talk about.

Our death has to be viewed in light of the resurrection.  We will not stay dead.  Or buried.  

Jesus is the model for dying.  He died.  And God raised him from the dead.

We have already died when we decided to follow Jesus.  Romans 6 uses death language to talk about baptism.  Galatians 2:20 speaks of our being crucified yet living by faith.

Paul talks in II Timothy 4 of being about to die.  And that the crown of life is waiting for him.

And in Philippians 1 about death being better for him.

Death is the door to being with Jesus.

And our faith is often more clearly seen, and maybe even more clearly taught and shared, when we are dying.  

Live well for Jesus.

Die well for Jesus.

Live forever with Jesus.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Your leaders must give an account for how they led you

 It is right there in Hebrews 13?17.  Obey your leaders for they have to give an account to God for how they led you.  

I have sometimes heard it expressed as if God is going to call the role of members in front of elders and ask if they watched over their souls.  I get it.  Even the "you are responsible for their souls" is a sentiment I understand.

But no leader is responsible for your salvation.  That is up to you.  Between you and Jesus.  

No leader will be accountable for your decision about Jesus.

But I do think spiritual leaders are responsible for how they led you.

That would include being aware of what your spiritual diet is.  Are you being fed a healthy dose of Scripture?  Is it a healthy view of God's word?

Are you encouraged/led to serve others?  

Are you encouraged/led to tell others the good news?

And what did your leaders do when you strayed for the Jesus way?  Did they talk with you, pray over you, show up for you?  Did they speak truth into your life?  Did they plead and/or beg you to return to the light?

Those are the kind of things I believe we leaders are going to be asked.  Did we try to keep you in the light until you got home.  

We are not responsible for your salvation.  We are responsible for doing all we can to enable your salvation in Christ.

So elders/leaders/parents... give yourself some slack.  You are not responsible for saving anyone.  That is between them and Jesus.

You are responsible for teaching, pleading, praying, helping all your people get home.  

Do what you can and should do.  

That really is all you can do.

Thursday, August 11, 2022


The greatest commands and what we may be missing

 Almost everyone reading this knows the greatest commands.  Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.  They are in the Old Testament.  They are in the gospels.  Clearly, love God is the highest and greatest command.  And then love people.  But I think there is a priority to loving others that we do not talk enough about.

I am convinced that loving God is first.  Then loving my Christian family.  Then loving the people in my world.

Jesus said:  A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.  John 13:34

We disciples are to love each other.  Loving people is not a new command.  But Jesus is saying to his people that we love each other.  He commands it.  In fact, he goes on to say that how we love each other will be the way people know we follow Jesus.

But aren't we supposed to show our love to everyone by helping the needy?  Yes, but even then our spiritual family takes precedence.

Galatians 6:10.  So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

There it is.  Do good to everyone every chance you get.  But especially to your Christian family.

Love my neighbor as myself.  I am commanded to do that.  But among my neighbors, I have a special/new command from Jesus.  Love my Jesus family.  Do good to everyone I can.  But especially seek to do good for my Christian family.

So if you are trying to find Christians, look for the people fanatically loving God with everything they have.  And the people that really love each other.  And that seek to take care of each other.  And they will even help the strangers in their world.

So yes... I do love my Christian family/neighbors/friends more than I do the non-Christians in my world.

God, my community of faith, everybody else.

Tuesday, August 09, 2022


Austin Ridgell is turning 12 today

 So today our youngestgrandchild, Austin Ridgell, turns 12.  And here are just a few of the reasons I love him so much and am so proud of him.

He has great people skills.  He can talk to anyone.  And does.  He makes friends anywhere he goes.  But more than that, people like being around Austin.  He has guy friends and girl friends.  He has friends older and friends younger.  People feel good about themselves after being with Austin.

He loves life.  Playing ball -- and even hockey --, fishing or hunting, games.  Austin just has fun with whatever is going on and whoever he is with.

Easy going.  He is the youngest so he sometimes gets the short end of the stick.  Sleeping on the couch.  Or riding in the very back of the vehicle.  He doesn't care.

Fearless.  Will try anything.  He is the one we pray the most to be protected from himself.  He has no fear of trying anything.  Very confident.

But here is the thing that makes me the most proud and the happiest about Austin.  He loves Jesus.  I love when he leads our family prayers.  

And he thinks everyone should know about Jesus and follow him.  Everyone.  He talks to people about Jesus.  It is natural for him.

So thanks God for giving our family Austin.  He is exactly what we needed.  Keep your fire burning in him and bless him as you do great things in him and through him.

Thursday, August 04, 2022


Reaching people for Jesus starts with prayer

 Lots of people think the key to evangelism is for a church to have to right program.  Others will tell you it is to have the right study/testimony materials.  Some think it will happen by osmosis.  Just go about the business of being a Christian and people will want to join you.  Others don't even think it matters.

I do think it matters.  Telling people about Jesus so they can spend forever with God is the mission of the church.  I do not think programs or materials are the magic answer.  And it does not happen by osmosis.

Frankly, most Christians are not even involved in evangelism.  But I think most of us would like to be.  

And here is where it starts.

Praying for someone.

There are lots of ways this can happen.  My son's church had a campaign centered around who is your one.  Identify the person you want to reach for Jesus.  Pray for them specifically by name.

I have a friend who regularly prays for God to bring someone into his life who does not know Jesus.

My wife and I pray every morning for our "not yet" friends.  People we want to tell about Jesus.  Not yet Christians.

Pick someone.  Or ask God to send someone.

The point is to be praying for God to put someone in your life that needs Jesus.  Or to work in the heart of someone you know who is not a Christian.

It is like Phillip and the Ethiopian.  The Holy Spirit connected a seeker with a believer.

Tell God you want to be like Phillip.  Ask him to put an Ethiopian in your life.

I pray for God to soften the heart of those I want to know Jesus.  I ask for opportunities to speak a word for Jesus.  I ask for open hearts to hear.

If you want to take it one step further... get others to pray for the ones you want to reach.  Have prayer times when you pray for each other's one.  Pray by name for those your Christian brothers and sisters are trying to reach.

Lots of churches have a time of prayer in their assemblies.  Go to the prayer teams and ask for prayers for those you are trying to reach.

But know this.

God will answer your prayers.

Be ready.

Nothing will be the same.

The Kingdom will increase.

Pray for the harvest.

And it starts with you and the one you are praying for.

Tuesday, August 02, 2022


Our Anna turns 17 tomorrow

 Our granddaughter, Anna Claire Ridgell, turns 17 tomorrow.  She is the one that made us Pops and Mimi and we could not be prouder of her or love her more.  Here are a few of the reasons why.

She is smart and she makes good grades.  Those two do not always go together but with Anna they do.  Sheis organized and disciplined in her studies.  She will be able to go to college anywhere she wants and that is impressive.  I have no doubt she can be whatever she chooses in life.

She is a good athlete.  Coachable.  Good teammate.  Hustles.  Makes the right play in both Volleyball and Basketball.  Plays because she loves the game.  She is a winner.

Loves her family.  Of course she loves her Mom and Dad.  And her brothers.  Her extended family.  But she loves her Mimi and Pops.  Stills enjoys hanging out around us.  Talks to us.  

Loves kids.  Little kids like to hang around her.  In demand as a babysitter.  She is the role model you want for the little girls at school and at church.

A friend you can count on to give good advice.  Responsible and dependable.   

But here is the big one.  She loves Jesus.  She is developing her own faith.  Faith that is deep on both sides of her family heritage, but a faith that she is making her own.  Mission trips.  Prays.  Sees hurting people.  

So thanks Anna for being our first grand.  God could not have given us a better one.

Thanks God for Anna Claire.  Thanks for the joy she brings to our family.  Watch over her and protect her.  Do amazing things thru her and in her for the Kingdom.

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