Thursday, January 27, 2022


Five resources for spiritual help

 It happens to every Christian at one time or another.  You will need spiritual help.  It may be that you are drowning in consequences from a sin decision.  Or you are struggling with a temptation and about to surrender.  Maybe you find yourself living in a far country and want to come home.  Or the pain of living in a fallen world (sickness, death, disaster) is overwhelming.  Or your kids are struggling. So many things that can cause us to be in trouble spiritually. 

So here is a quick look at five resources that will help you when in spiritual struggle.

The Holy Spirit.  Let me start by saying I think the Holy Spirit is in you and helping you even when you can't see it or understand it.  Know that the Holy Spirit has your back in this world.  Keep reminding yourself of that.

The Bible.  I believe the Bible.  I think it is the Word of God.  Read it.  Believe it.  Try and do what it says.  It is the perfect story of how to live life in relationship with God.

Prayer.  Give your worries to God.   And while you are at it, thank him for all the ways He came thru for you in the past.  Ask for what you need.  Ask for strength to do His will.  To accept His will.

Community of faith.  I am not saying church here because that sounds like you need to count on your organized, structured group that meets in a certain location.  No, I am talking about the Christians you do life with.  Those people who love Jesus and who love you.  If you do not have people like that in your life, start asking God to help you find them.  And realize that not having a community of faith may be one reason you are in spiritual trouble.  And yes, "church" is a good place to start looking.  

Elders.  Find those men and their wives that love God and His people.  Spiritual leaders.  Give them a chance to help.  They will walk alongside you, they will pray with and for you, they will speak truth into your life, and they will show you how to walk in the light.  If you don't know any elders, then look for people who seem to have a life that looks like Jesus and ask them.  If you are in Abilene, ask me.  I know lots of good elders at a number of churches here.  They will help.  And I know elders all around Abilene.  And Texas for that matter.  And in Kansas.  Or Maine.  Or Florida.  Tennessee.  Idaho.  You get the idea.  I will help connect you.

Here is the point.  If you want spiritual help, it is available.  

Just ask.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


A living tribute to Jerry and Sheila Christian

 Jerry and Sheila Christian are still very much alive and active.  I say that because I generally write tributes to people that have gone on to heaven.  The only exceptions are for my family.

But I think I may write more living tributes.  Honor to whom honor is due so to speak.

And the Christians really are like family anyway.

We have known them for 50 years and they are as fine a family as you will ever know.

Their lives are rooted and grounded in Jesus and they have touched so many lives.  Helped people decide to follow Jesus.  Helped people come back to Jesus.  Helped Christians that are struggling with their faith.  They are hospitable, good listeners, and have great advice.  They have lived Jesus for a long time and they share their experiece with lots of people.

They have been youth leaders, deacon, song-leader, Bible class teachers, elder, and mentors at several churches in Texas.  All without pay.  They have opened their home and their heart to countless people.  Because they love Jesus and love others.

Their marriage is a living example of what God wants marriage to look like.  Not perfect, but faithful.  Not easy, but remarkably healthy.  They really complement each other in terms of gifts, talents, and temperment.  

They raised four faithful kids.  Not perfect, but faithful.

I would say they are our special friends, and they are.  But that almost implies we are special to them.  And we are, but so is everyone else that comes into their orbit.  They have been role models, friends thru thick and thin, and consistent in their love.  

The world is better because of Jerry and Sheila.  But it is better because they know the one who makes it better.  Raised in strong Christian families.  God really did a great thing when He put them together.  

And they are not thru yet.  Jerry assures me that he will live to 100.  And he might.  With Sheila's help.

I look forward to watching what God does in their life for many more years.

Love you guys, and thanks for loving us.

Thursday, January 20, 2022


Another either/or that is not true

 I sometimes hear people say that following Jesus is more important than being right.

Well, of course.  Following Jesus is the right choice.  Loving God is the right choice.  Loving God is the right choice over loving your neighbor.  You know, one of them is the greatest command.  But I don't believe you will ever have to choose loving God over loving your neighbor.  They are never incompatible.  

And I do think if you are talking about a matter of the heart, then your focus ought to be on Jesus not on being right.  Jesus saves you, not being right.

But sometimes this is set up as an either/or.  You can seek to love Jesus or you can seek to be right so choose Jesus.

That is a false choice.  

There will never be a time when being right will not involve loving Jesus.

Nor will loving Jesus ever make you not do right.

So let me be clear.  Jesus is our Savior.  Not right doctrine.  Not right actions.  Jesus.

But choosing Jesus does not mean choosing wrong doctrine.  Or wrong actions.

But it really is a convenient thing to say when I do not like the doctrine that is correct.  Or when I do not want to do the action that is right.

Choose loving Jesus.  And know that it means doing what is right.  And believing what is right.

You know... they kind of all go together.

One last thing. Don't get them backwards.  Doing right and believing right may not ever lead you to love Jesus.

But loving Jesus will lead you to believing right and doing right.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Praying for Husbands and Dads

 I am intentionally praying for husbands and Dads that I know.  And I am praying for the young men I know that will someday be husbands and Dads. 

I am praying they will step up and lead.

I believe that God meant what He said in Ephesians 5 and 6 about husbands and Dads.  This material is hard.  It calls for incredible faith, love, and commitment.  

But I think this is the key for strong marriages, raising faithful Christians, and growing the Kingdom.

Men, let's start loving our wives the way Jesus loved the church.  Let's lay down our lives for our wives and children.  This life is not about us.  We are first about Jesus.  Then we are about our families.  

We must be intentional in our example.  How we live matters.  We are never going to be perfect, but we sure can be intentional.  And when we fail, we can ask forgiveness.  

Set the tone by leading your faimily in prayer time.  In Bible reading and study.  In service.  Do for your family.

Work on intentionally raising your children to be faithful.  That is your job.  Not the job of the church.  

Set your eyes on Jesus and not on the world.  Our job is to deliver our family to Jesus.  

Loving, laying down your life.  Denying yourself for Jesus and your family.

I am not even sure the best ways to do all of this.  But I suspect it starts by setting the standard and committing to go for it.

And I especially am mindful of the Dads trying to raise your sons to be Godly men.  Society is going to oppose you.  But there are a lot of Christian men who have gone before you.  Look to their example.  Ask their advice.  Get them to pray for you.

And yes, I am aware that some families do not have have a husband and Dad.  You community of faith will help.  Adopt some granddads.  Pray for father figures.  And ask God for the strength to do two jobs.  I know it is hard to be both parents.  And hard to be alone.  

And I know that this call will be mocked by our culture.  We are moving to a culture that sees no difference in men/women or Moms/Dads.  God does.

And I know even some churches are moving away from this.  But the Bible is clear.

So if you don't agree with this, go right on with you think God wants you to do.

But I am renewing my commitment to lead as a Pops, Dad, and husband.  And pray for my brothers committed to the same thing.

Thursday, January 13, 2022


Christians must have a strong work ethic

 We really do not talk much about work ethic as our Christian responsibility.  I believe that work is part of our Christian ethic.  Here are four reasons why.

God made us to work.  Man was put into the Garden to take care of it.  Scripture teaches that if we will not work, we have no right to food.  God worked in creation.  We are created in Christ Jesus to do good works. 

Work is a testimony to our salvation.  People see Jesus based on our work ethic.  Christians are honest, we work hard, we are fair.  Those are good works that point to God.  Employers can trust Christians with what they have.  

Work lets us provide for ourselves and our family.  That is important.  As a Christian man, I am responsible to take care of my people.  Work gives me resources to do that.

Work lets me have resources to provide for the needs of others.  Work to provide what you need.  But when your work allows you to have more than you need, be generous.  

And a couple of warnings about Christians and work.

Work is not your identity.  It does not define you.  Your identity is in Christ.  Work is what you do, not who you are.

Being succesful at work is not always the same as being faithful to Jesus.  I do believe that sometimes God blesses our work beyond what we imagined.  But do not confuse work success with God's favor.  Remember, it does rain on the just and the unjust.

Failing at work is not a sign that you are not in favor with God.  You may be fired for being a Christian.  After all, there are things you will not do at work because they are not consistent with following Jesus.  Or God may have another plan for you and the Kingdom that will be implemented by losing a job. 

So remember that work is a Christian virtue.  When you go to work every day, you are going to do ministry.  

Maybe we ought to be talking about this more. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


I love Tim and Julie Cope

 So our Julie got married last Friday night to Tim Cope.  Here are just a few reasons I love this.  And love them.

They both have had to overcome a lot to find each other.  They are not perfect, but they both had some really hard knocks in previous relationships.  Makes me happy to see them happy.

They both buy in to the whole "your family is my family" thing.  Julie is already a good friend to her new daughters (and son Chism).  And loves Tim's grands as her own.  Tim is fully onboard with a home that has two teenagers in it.  Loves Jake and Ave.  And loves Julie's old parents too.  

They are already hosting family events at their home.  And Tim leads prayers for the meals.

I love that neither of them gave up on love.  Would have been easy to do that.  They didn't.  And it paid off.

They talk about God and Jesus.  They want to be a faith couple.  They want to have a Jesus home.

God's timing.  

God's wisdom.

God's family.

So thanks God for Julie and Tim.  Bless them in their life together.  Bless their family together.  Use them in your kingdom.  Give them many years together.  And protect them from the evil one.  

Thursday, January 06, 2022


My grandson Jake is about to turn 16

 So Sunday my grandson, Jake Gilbreth, turns 16.  Here are just a few of the reasons I love him and am so proud of him.

Jake is tough.  Life has not been easy for Jake.  Had to live thru things and has seen things that I wish he hadn't.  But he has gotten thru and keeps on going.  Tough people make it.

He loves music.  Honors band.  Steel band.  Plays drums and all sorts of procussion instruments.  I am not musical but he sure is.  Love to hear him play.

Jake is good with kids.  I watch him with little kids and am amazed at his patience and kindness.  And boy do they love him.

Loves animals.  Takes care of them.  

He has a heart for the people on the margins.  Hurts for them.  Helps them.

He is a hard worker.  Got a job on his own last summer.   Still has it.  

He is appreciative and says thank-you for anything someone does for him.  That is rare.

Good student.  

Doesn't have to be like everyone else.  He is content to be Jake.

I don't know what all the future holds for Jake.  But I do know he is ready for it in lots of ways.

So I thank God for giving me a man like Jake for my first grandson. 

I am blessed.

Love you Jake.

Tuesday, January 04, 2022


Praying, Giving, or Working

 Some things are harder than others.

I'll pray for you.

Here is a little something to help.

I'm working for you.

Prayer is powerful and we don't do enough of it.  Not any of us.  And yes, I am aware of how easy it is just to spout off the words and never follow thru.  

Do not overlook the value of financial resources.  People sometimes need a bill paid or groceries bought.  Non-profits do incredible ministry in all sorts of ways.  They need resources to do what they do.

But we do not see much of the third way to help people.  Actual work.  And again, I am not slighting the first two spiritual gifts.  But we need to see more work.

Thanks to my friend Al for helping me realize this.  He has a friend that owns a small restaurant.  The owner is quite ill and his wife and family are trying to keep things going.  Al has asked me to pray.  There is a go fund me page.  

But Al mentioned in passing that he is getting up at three every morning and going down to wash dishes for the restaurant.  That is what he can do for them.  

Which led to a discussion about how easy it is to write a check or even to put someone on your prayer list.  And they both matter.  But they are not necessarily hard to do.

But work.  Well...

Maybe there ought to be more dish washing.  More yard mowing.  More house cleaning.  More hands getting dirty work.  More cooking.

I know we are not really an agriculture society anymore.  But all my life I have seen people in my family (and in my wife's family) help with the planting and harvesting when a neighbor got sick or hurt.  Chores around the place.  Meals cooked and clothes washed.

More being a good neighbor.  Christians especially doing things that are hard to help our neighbors.  Like if they had been beaten and robbed and we stopped to help because they are our neighbor and we love them like we love ourselves.

You know... just like Jesus said.

So let's do more hands on this year.  Still pray and give.  

But also going to work.

In the name of Jesus.

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