Tuesday, May 31, 2022


Our Julie has a birthday tomorrow

 So our daughter, Julie Cope, turns 46 toomorrow.  We are spending it together with the whole family at the beach.  That is her happy place.  So, as is my custom, here are a few reasons I love Jules, celebrate her, and am proud of her.

She is a nurse hero.  She was working at a hospital during the Pandemic.  Long hours.  Not enough protection.  Having to spend time in the ICU ward because it was so overwhelming.  She is tough.

But right now, she is a hospice nurse.  It is emotional, tiring, and has long hours.  But she has the heart for it.  Gentle, kind, patient with people that often are nearing the end.  Ends up praying with lots of her patients.

She has a family.  Happy marriage, good kids.  Some of that was a long time coming, but God has blessed her.  And she is a great JuJu to Tim's grands.  And they are her grands too.  

She's good to her people.  Checks on us.  Calls it just visiting with Mimi, but I suspect she is working up to "better check on the old folks."  But here is the thing, she will take care of us someday when we need help.  We know that. And it is comforting.

Loves her extended family. Her brother Joe Don's family.  Aunts and cousins and friends that are like family.

Julie had a lot of hard things done to her in the past.  But she overcame them.  Now to be clear, she is not perfect.  She has made her share of poor choices.  But she didn't stay there.  


It takes great strength and faith.

And that may be her greatest witness and testimony.

Just ask her.

So God, thanks for our Jules.  For her love for You, and for her family, and for people in trouble.  bless her marriage and her kids.  Use her for good.  Thanks for making her into who she is.  


Thursday, May 26, 2022


Three reasons some churches are about to reap a harvest of souls.

 I am convinced that right now in our culture there is a great opportunity to make disciples for Jesus. 

Here are three reasons why.

Many people are disturbed and frightened by the hate in our country.  Hate expressed in politics.  Hate seen in racism.  Hate seen in the abuse of those on the fringes.  God is love.  The gift of Jesus is an act of love.  The greatest commands for disciples are to love God and love our neighbors.  In a world of hate we are going to love.  The nationality does not matter.  Nor does the economic status.  Nor the race.  That sacrificial love draws people.

The pandemic.  Economic difficulty.  Addictions.  Relationship struggles.  Lonliness.  Isolation.  Our world is full of pain from these issues.  Jesus offers forgiveness, healing, reconciliation, support, and community.  Exactly what this world needs.  And wants.  

Who even knows what is right or wrong anymore.  Not our culture.  Morals change every few years.  What was right may be seen as wrong and what was considered wrong is now accepted.  Trying to form a world view when everything you believe may be different tomorrow.  And here comes our conviction to stand on truth.  To stand on the Bible as God's word.  People want and need certain truth.  We have it.

Disclaimer:  I know there are Christians and churches that engage in hateful behaviors and do not see them as wrong.  Nor do they see a need to repent.  I know that some Christians have not done well in living forgiveness and healing.  And I know there are churches that can teach you ways to interpret Scripture so there is not much difference between them and the culture around them.

But this I am convinced of...

Churches that hold up love as the standard will draw people to Jesus.

Churches that really live in community together will draw people to Jesus.

Churches that are clear on what they believe -- and why they believe -- will draw people to Jesus.

I think we have been called for such a time as this.

Let's tell people the good news.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022


Gamaliel and the future of the churches/Churches of Christ

 Quite the debate going on in Acts 5 over Peter and the Jesus preaching.  Gamaliel gives outstanding advice.  Basically says if the activity of these men is from God, we cannot stop it.  And if their activity is of human origen, then it will not last.

So what does that have to do with the future of Churches of Christ? 

I hear a lot of talk these days about the future of our movement.  People mad at the conservatives among us who will not move of their insistance that they can be right about any doctrine.  Pull a few Scriptures out of context.  Selectively use silence in Scripture to either prohibit or allow what you are sure is God's will.  Unless you are really conservative.  And you are convinced that rigid study of Scripture will clearly reveal God's will and we have to preserve the church as God intended it.

If the conservatives are right, no amount of disdain or anger will prevent God from seeing His church thru these times.  If they are wrong, they are not going to be around in a few years.

Personally, I see no future for a church that insists they are right on every thing and that they can prove it by using, or misusing, Scripture.  Churches known more for what they are against than what they are for just have no future.  Negativity, fear, and anger do not attract people to Jesus. 

Which is why more and more rigidly conservative churches are shriking and about to die.  

There is also a lot of talk and frustration about the hyper liberals among us who are sure that the church and culture actually are in lockstep.  That the church in general has been wrong for centuries on many issues and they are the group to finally get it right.  And if Scripture seems to disagree with their position, then those passages are clearly cultural or even wrong.  Unless you are a liberal.  And you really do think that the church is actually hearing the Spirit in new and different ways.

If the liberals are right, no amount of hand wringing and worry can stop what God is doing among His church.  If they are wrong, they will not last and won't be around in a few years.

Personally, I don't see a future for churches that reflect culture more than Scripture.  That spend more time explaining why the Bible does not mean what it says than they do trying to follow what it does say.Not much need for a church that is like a civic club on steroids.  Doesn't really attract non-believers.

God's church will survive.  Always has.  I never worry about the church of Christ.  Not very optomistic about the Church of Christ.

Personally, I think a revival is coming.  People looking for meaning and purpose.  People looking for a cause greater than themselves.  People looking for a Savior that overcomes this world.  

I hope the Church of Christ is at the forefront of the coming harvest of souls into the Kingdom.  After all, it is my heritage.  And I know a lot of preachers, members, and congregations not caught up in one extreme or the other.  That gives me some hope.

But of this I am certain.  The church of Christ will be where it has been for 2000 years.  Following Jesus, bringing people into the Kingdom, waiting for Jesus to take us home.

Thursday, May 19, 2022


Thanking God and Marsha for 49 years together

 Today Marsha and I have been married 49 years.  So here are a few reasons I am thankful for her... and for God putting us together.

It is pretty easy to see the ministry I do.  Up front.  Preaching.  Seminars.  I do most of the talking in our studies and counseling.

But it only works because I married Marsha.

She is incredibly thoughtful.  She keeps our prayer list updated on the refrigerator.  She makes banana bread and coffee cake for neighbors, families with sickness, and older people.  She fixes meals.  She writes cards.  Sends thank-you cards.

She keeps our home and lets it be open.  She hosts lots of lunches.  Has people for supper.  

She was the idea behind putting a retreat center barndominium on our ranch.  Lots of ministry will be done there.

She knows how to keep my feet on the ground in a good way.  Knows when I need to be encouraged.  Knows when I am little too caught up in the preaching business.

She models what I preach.  If you want to hear about Jesus, see me.  If you want to see Jesus in action, see her.  She hates that, but it is true.

She hates it when I use her in sermons.  But she lets me.

She is a true people person.  When she travels with me to speak, I never have to worry about her being left alone.  She "works" the crowd as well as I do.  People like her and that actually really helps my preaching.

She has really helped me understand church family.  We like to think we are members of the church in Abilene.  We headquarter out of our home base at Hillcrest church of Christ.  It's right.  Our church family is way bigger than one congregation.  Or even one city.  She helped me learn that.

She loves her family and her friends.

We both teach Jesus to non-believers, struggling believers, and believers who want to grow.  I use words.  She uses actions.  

So good job God.  I am forever thankful that you put us together.  Lots of people in the Kingdom becuase of how you have used us as a team for you.  And I am still in the Kingdom because of your love grace.  And because of her love and grace. So thank you.  Use us as long as you will.  Through Jesus.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022


And here is my Lynn Anderson story

 Lots of preachers have shared how much Lynn Anderson did for them and their ministry.  Great stories of encouragement.

Here is mine.

It really was a dark time in my life, not just my ministry.  Battling sin.  Lots of people talking about me.  Hardly anyone talking to me.  Trying to decide what was next.

And Lynn called.  We were not really close at that time.  Of course I knew Lynn, and he knew who I was.  But he invited me to breakfast.  And here are a few things that have stuck with me for 40 years.

He bought my breakfast.  Didn't have to and I would have bought his.  That was kind.

He treated me just like he would have at any other time.  

I could tell he loved me and cared about me.  Jesus was clearly the most important thing on the agenda.

He took me to an out-of-the way place where no one would see us.  Actually helping me, not just being seen.

He gave real, practical advice for living up to my calling in Christ.

Shared some really personal stories.  He didn't have to but he did.

He believed in me.  Positive that God still had great plans for me.

At that breakfast, I was the most important person in his life.

So how did it all turn out?

I got out of full-time ministry for a time.  Did a lot of preaching and a lot of minsitry.  God did some amazing things in my life and in ministry.  And every time I saw Lynn he was gracious, kind, encouraging, and never said one word about my past or our meeting.

And here is what I learned from Lynn.

It is OK to stick your nose into someone's business.  Just be sure it is because of love.  

No one needs to know about all the people you are helping.

Believe in people.

Seek Jesus.

Well done Lynn.  For me and countless others.

You and Jesus made a difference.

See you later.

Thursday, May 12, 2022


A few thoughts about the abortion laws

 I know Roe vs. Wade may not be overturned.  But it may.  So here are a few thougthts.

I am always glad to see life protected, especially for those who have no voice.  but that is strongly rooted in my conviction to follow Jesus.  

I am not sure laws really change things.  Not in America or anywhere else.  But that conviction is probably becuase I believe my Kingdom is not of this world.  Another Christian conviction.

Sexual morality would solve a lot of the abortion issue.  Not all, but it would help.  But I would not expect non-Christians to live by Jesus' teaching.  After all, why would they?  And it is hard enough for us Christians.  But a Christian ethic would help.

The great secret in all of this is the number of Christians who get abortions.  They are guilt ridden.  So more teaching on grace and forgiveness.  Christian doctrine.

If women do not abort babies, some of them are going to be in serious need of emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual support.  More adoption services.  Foster care.  Of course, this is what Christians live for -- to help others.  

So it dawns on me that if I really want to make a difference in the abortion issue, I need to keep talking about Jesus.  More bringing non-beleivers into the Kingdom.  Greater commitment to the greatest commandments:  loving God and loving others.

Make more disciples.

That is the only way I know that works to solve any of this world's mess.

And after all, that is why Jesus came... 

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


The church is not like our country

 Legislative, executive, judicial.  I think I remember this from High School civics.  The three branches of government.  Based on the Constitution.

I do not know one person who admits that we model our churches after this pattern, but I have to think we really do.

You know, the preacher president leading the executive branch.  Leading the church.  The face of the local church.  And sometimes voted out of office.  Well, maybe not exactly but the people reject him at some point.

The elders are the legislative branch.  Making the laws/rules/policies/doctrine.  Often led by the preacher.  Approving his agenda.

Judicial?  Who interprets the Bible constitution.  Well, years ago it was the brotherhood newspapers.  A few times it has been a group of like minded preachers.  But most of the time recently it has been the Christian Universities.  Interpreting Scripture.  Deciding whether a living Bible constitution means it is living as in still true and applicable.  Or living as in what was true then may not be true now.  So everything must be re-evaluated in light of the current culture.

And this is all messed up. 

The church is nothing like our government.  The church is not by the people or of the people.  

The preacher does not set the agenda for a church.  The elders do not decide doctrine.  And universities do not determine truth.  

God and the Bible.

I know there are practical aspects to figuring out some things.  I know we are all influenced by the culture/country we live in.  And I know it is harder in real life to figure out how this works. when you decide the authority is God.  And when you decide the Bible is actually the word of God.

So I guess this is more of a thinking out loud about how easy it is to reflect our culture and never even realize it.

So let's be careful.

Thursday, May 05, 2022


A shout out to nine Moms

 OK I may be stretching the definition of Mom a little bit but here is the shout out to nine women I have incredible respect for what they have done, what they are doing, and what they will do.

Marsha's Mom, Jean Herttenberger.  Granny did a great job raising my wife.  Sweet, loving, kind, and committed to Jesus.  She is in heaven but her legacy will go for at least two or more generations.

My Mom, Juanita Ridgell.  She is still going strong at 91.  She is the one all the women in our family look up to as a role model.  Smart, active, engaged.  Makes people feel valued and welcome.  Loves Jesus.

My wife Marsha.  Mimi is the best.  Great daughter.  Outstanding wife.  Fantastic Mom.  Best Mimi.  Great friend to many.  Adopted Mom to lots.  Loves Jesus.

Our two girls, Julie Cope and Jamie Ridgell.  Strong women.  Raising kids.  Good wives.  We have great confidence that they will take care of us when we are old.  Older.  Love Jesus.

Anna Ridgell and Avery Gilbreth.  Our granddaughters.  And no, they are not literally Moms.  But they are already so great with younger kids.  Little girls adore them and want to be like them.  They are growing in their faith.  Love Jesus.

Phyllis and Juana.  OK.  Phyllis is Marsha's sister and doesn't have kids.  But she takes care of all our animals when we are gone.  Helps take care of my Mom.  Just cares for people.  Loves Jesus.  And Juana is family.  I think she is technically our housekeeper.  but it is more like she helps out around the house and we help out financially.  Our kids are her kids.  She prayers for us and gives the girls good advice.  And she loves Jesus.

So what makes these women special to me?  And to so many others.

Love Jesus.

Love their family.

Love everybody.

Be good role models.

Thanks God for the Moms in my life.

Tuesday, May 03, 2022


Tim Cope had a birthday

 My son-in-law of about four months had a birthday last Sunday.  So as I do with all my family, I am going to share a few reasons I love him and am proud of him.

He loves my daughter.  I am prejudiced obviously but she is worth loving.  He wants to provide for her, take care of her, and cherish her.  I am thankful.

He loves Julie's kids, Jake and Avery.  Jake needs a strong role model.  All teenage men do.  And Avery needs to see how a real man treats his wife.  So I am proud of the role model he is.

He raised good kids.  I am still getting to know his son and two daughters but they are good people.  People of faith. 

He calls me just to visit.  Sometimes about the ranch.  Or about something our family has going on.  But he talks to me.  I appreciate it.

I love him because I do not have to worry about Julie and my grands.  He will take care of them.

And when we go over to eat -- and he is happy to have us over -- he leads us in prayer. 

So Happy B'day Tim.  Welcome to one of our family traditions.  Pops' blog and You Tube about you. 

Here's to God blessing us with many more opportunities.

Love you and proud of you.

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